Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Strong Horse, Weak Horse.....Shetland Pony

When your foreign policy record makes Jimmy Carter look hawkish by comparison you just know you are doing something terribly, terribly wrong...

Oh dear God, but our president is a complete joke - and that is painful to say.
Certainly, I enjoy brow beating our favorite Alinskyite on domestic policy issues. Hell, it is as target rich an environment as one could ever hope to have in regards to failed policies and general stupidity - but I would much rather leave my disputes at the borders as it were.
Though POTUS leaves me no choice.

Sadly his incompetence in domestic policy is far overshadowed by his overwhelming stupidity and sheer ineptitude when it comes to foreign policy.

Just for shits and giggles, let's take a look and peek at some of his gems over the last few years...
  • Obama Tells Netanyahu to Sit and Spin on His Dreidel - Hmm...lets see.... 14 months without any weapons contracts... Endless chastisements over apartment buildings built IN THEIR OWN CAPITAL (during a time when the Palestinians were dedicating a square to a mass murderer responsible for hijacking and subsequent deaths of 38 Israelis)..... nice timing Mr. President, way to show that solidarity...Ditching a meeting with Netanyahu to go have dinner or go play basketball or something to that effect (because THAT'S the way to treat an ally...) - to say nothing of how the whole redheaded-stepchild treatment of Israel emboldens Hamas and Iran (because that will help stabilize the region....) I'm sure that the halfhearted statements about our 'strategic alliance' being 'strong' fills the Israelis with a warm and fuzzy feeling...
  • Obama Neuters our Nuclear Capabilities - Yes boys and girls, it appears that the country can sustain a devastating chemical attack...and we won't nuke you. Hell, even Ahmadinejad had a field day making fun of Obama on that one.

    Apparently, we will start with a graduated response, which will start with Obama displaying his Nobel Peace Prize, followed by harsh language... Obviously, Obama spent far too much time reading Alinsky and not enough time reading Sun Tzu. Looks like our Celebrity in Chief's idea of a position of strength is obtained on his knees.

  • Like the Constitution, Obama Is Treating the Bush Doctrine Like Toilet Paper - "The change would be a significant shift in the National Security Strategy, a document that previously outlined the Bush Doctrine of preventive war. It currently states, "The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century."..... Now apparently, the doctrine will identify 'The struggle against those who, for reasons not the fault of Barack Obama, for some reason, just don't like us very much.' On a related note, all future foreign policy doctrines will be stamped with the word 'Kumbaya' across the top....

  • Obama Gets Tough on Iran - bwahahhahaha! Oh dear, methinks I peed myself a little bit on that one. Obama and Sarkozy spearheading the charge....then he (Obama) says 'we will not wait indefinitely'...*sniff* ah, he is killing me sides are splitting.... Seriously, this stuff just writes itself... Granted, we haven't seen a decent Iran policy in decades...but still... Obama's complete lack of a spine regarding Iran makes jellyfish go all like, 'dude aren't you like a vertebrate or something?' I'm sure that the Iranian Green Movement has really appreciated the support
  • Et Tu Ukraine? - Scrap those plans for NATO, now the Ukraine is crawling back to the Russians for better relations. Why? Frankly, the West is run by a bunch of pussies and Obama is a giant vagina (my apologies to the female genitalia for the crass insult)
  • Hamid Karzai Tells The West to 'Suck It' - Yup, we've shed our blood and spent untold billions on Afghanistan to support a government almost as corrupt as ours...and 'Barry' can't get no love. In a related story, Obama bought a new case to display his Nobel Peace Prize... Personally, I say we go Dresden on them. Do we really need this grief?
I could go on but honestly, I really need to I think it's time to wrap it up.
Strong Horse or Weak Horse ... We've got neither. We've got an effing Shetland Pony. Obama may fancy himself as a transformational figure, but our enemies rightly view him as a dilettante and a fool, our allies are confused and the rest of the world really doesn't give a rat's ass.

Our illustrious Celebrity in Chief has completely forgotten his primary responsibility - the safety of the United States of America.
Narcissus is too busy staring at his own reflection to care - and most of the press find it too difficult to get off their knees and look around..
All full of sound and fury, signifying nothing...except his ignorance.
Brilliant, really.

Oh, and Mr. President - in the 'for what its worth' category, nobody remembers Neville Chamberlain's domestic policy pompous idiot.

The Weekly SubStandard

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