Friday, April 2, 2010

From the Declaration of Independence to A Nation of Dependents

I will admit. After 'Black Sunday', I was a little off my game.
No, it wasn't out of despair (admittedly, I was bummed)
It wasn't out of anger (duh, I was pissed)
It was a completely different problem....
It was purely a problem of focus.
So many targets of opportunity and so little time to rant.
As we used to say in the military, we have a target-rich environment out there.
Focus Damian, focus.....
Iran...Israel...Obamacare...10th Amendment...Guam tipping over and capsizing....
and it goes on and on and on (ad nauseum)
But ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
Today, I had the remarkable displeasure of listening to our Narcissist in Chief delivering another factually challenged speech in North Carolina (which is about as enjoyable as undergoing a urodynamics examination)... when he spewed forth a few statements of such telling arrogance, that for a rare thoughts were crystallized (and that, my friends, is a rare event - apparently rarer than my ability avoid the use a run-on sentence...)

In his rhetorical flotsam that passed for a speech, Obama laid bare his contempt for the free market, his love of government - and himself as the personification of it.

His first remark was about the 'former' Student Loan Industry -
'I (the all-powerful, all knowing messianic figure known by the ignorant masses as Barack Obama) have taken $87 billion (or some such) from the Banks (those evil, profit mongering bourgeoisie bastards) and through the government (an instrument of my supreme intellect, will and generosity) will direct the funds straight to you (the proletariat, the great, ignorant unwashed - those who I swear to work for, but consistently exploit and subject to servitude of the state)....(and by the way, I will use the bloviated $87 billion 'savings' and use them towards justifying Obamacare...which is win-win really..'
OK, perhaps not a literal dictation of his speech - but close enough for government work as it were (besides, if one can tune in to the deafening subtleties of his ego, it is more or less an accurate translation)
For you see... The Barack giveth (to the state) and the Barack taketh away (from the private sector) and another piece of the private sector is absorbed by the state.
  • Automobile industry (GM, Chrysler)
  • Banking
  • Housing / Mortgages
  • Healthcare Industry
  • Student Loans
Health, housing, transportation, education and finance...
Something tells me the Founding Fathers would be delivering a profound junkpunch to what passes as our elected representation at this point
but I digress..

On to my favorite bit of steaming poo from the speech, where 'The Wizard of I' proclaimed
No corporation ever does anything for the public good
Let that one sink in for a minute.
I will wait for a moment whilst the rage boils within ye....

Possible translations of our favorite community organizers statement include:
  • No private enterprise does anything good for the public
  • Corporations are evil, selfish entities that take resources away from the state
  • Public good and private enterprise are diametrically opposed
  • Only the state (as an instrument of my magnificence) knows what is good for the public
  • The state must control resources to ensure the public good
Obama's disdain (if not pure contempt) for capitalism and the private sector could not be more clear. He continues to attack these pillars of our country at every turn..and he is relentless.
He has already publicly decried the limitations of the Constitution and the unwillingness of the Supreme Court to go 'far enough' in promoting social equality.
He is a demagogue who fancies himself as a demigod.

Ladies and gentlemen...we have elected a Marxist.

In one 'transformational' administration, Obama plans on moving us from the Declaration of Independence - to a nation of dependents.

and God help us, it is our fault.

We allowed our elected leadership to suck.
We failed to hold them to the high standards we demand.
We watched silently as our freedoms and liberties were slowly eroded.
We dutifully lined up to be bribed with our own stolen money.
We acquiesced.

Now we suffer under the tyranny of a leftist douchebag in the White House, an Evil skank in the House and a massively incompetent choadwank in the Senate (not to mention the countless brain-dead, sackless, sycophantic bastards populating the hallowed halls of government).

Are you pissed?

Silently stewing in our collective juices ain't gonna cut it.
We had better become the vocal majority in a hurry - or we run the risk of relegating ourselves to the culturally-challenged bitch of Europe. Just another bankrupt nation amongst nations.

Personally, the thought of leaving to my daughter such a nation.... is almost too terrible to contemplate.

The sleeping giant is awake.
The stomping begins in November...
Time to 'dissolve (some) political bands' at the ballot box and begin the rebuilding process.
Besides, 'Hope and Change' really smells like poo....

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