Sunday, March 21, 2010

Atlas Defecated

So, who misses living in a Representative Republic?
How about a Liberal Thugocracy?
'Cause that's what we've got kiddos.

Crazy how you can go to bed one night living in a Democracy and wake up in a Socialist country.
And make no mistake, this is what is left of us.

With a swipe of a pen, 1/6th of the economy has been turned over to the government. An entire industry, shattered and a people, glorified wards of the state.

Like maggots feasting on a fresh kill, the bureaucrats will come and their number will be legion. IRS agents to scrutinize the populace, to ensure by fine or imprisonment those who do not follow the rule of statist whimsy. Others will come, to tell you what 'plan' you can buy, (for as long as the feeble remains of private sector healthcare can hold out) what care you can receive, what conditions are treatable, how long you will wait. It goes on....and on...and on....

We begin the slow inexorable march to single payer.
The government will control the entire healthcare system and we will be theirs...from cradle to grave.

What is infinitely worse, is the manner in which it happened.
Were it the will of the people, I could an extent anyway.
But this..
America has been forcibly sodomized, without lube or even dinner.
The constitution has been treated like an inconvenience, nothing more. A mere item to be circumvented on the path to statist glory....

Unalienable rights - not as a special dispensation of government but as a right bestowed by a higher power.
THAT was the founders intent. THAT is what is spelled out in the Bill of Rights.
The egomaniacal demagogic bastard that he is, Obama sees himself in the light of that higher power - (as does the statist in general). The bestower of rights. The fountain of knowledge and wisdom.
Elitist bastards, all of them.

As a professorial friend so eloquently pointed out yesterday
Very cool, how Bill o' Rights has not ONE thing to say about what government CAN do. Did not bestow or guarantee a single right, as we are born with them. Government can only tax them away....(and they are doing a hell of a job at the latter)

Of course that wisdom is lost on our Demagogue in Chief (as is wisdom of any kind apparently) not to mention the sycophantic leftist garbage that populates the majority of hour House of Representatives and Senate. They only wish to remake the country. The will of the people, its laws and traditions be damned.

If the Constitution and The Bill of Rights are relegated to common documents, what will tie one generation to the next?
Law will be whimsy
and society only as good as its leaders...
Which hasn't worked out for us very well lately
Not very well at all....

It has been said that hell is the worst possible outcomes of our creations, decisions and choices. ~ ladies and gentlemen of the United States of America, I give you the presidency of Barack Obama. Welcome to a hell of our own making.

Or maybe,
Just maybe
It is just purgatory.

In the last 12 hours, I have seen and heard more displeasure spoken by more voices than I ever thought possible. I have seen more people take an interest in the political system that at any other time in my leaps and bounds.
Let's face it folks. America has a habit of getting its ass kicked...initially.
to name a few.

Perhaps, just perhaps, the 'Sleeping Giant' has been awakened again...and it is not wise to piss of the giant. The giant has a tendency to kick considerable gluteus maximus when so prodded...and we have been prodded with all the grace of a blind, fat fingered proctologist who hasn't had his coffee...
If we can (or rather, if we choose) to harness this righteous anger - to push actually hold our elected leaders accountable to the standards we DEMAND as citizens of this once proud country, we can take it back.

But it won't be easy. Not even a little bit.

A new generation of leadership must be forged. One beholden to the ideals that formed and made this country great - not to the ideals of power and special interest.
Leadership with the testicular (or ovarian as the case may be) fortitude to make difficult decisions, principled decisions....and to actually LEAD.
Until then, my friends, we are just pissing in the wind.
Full of sound and fury, signifying our own impotent anger.

Once upon a time, I took an oath. In part, it went like this.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.."

I've been thinking of that oath a lot lately. It is painfully obvious that our illustrious leadership wouldn't recognize this oath if it were tattooed on Rahm Emanuel's ass.... yet I digress. We should all be familiar with it. All of us. Until we are, we are all lost.

Democracy is not a spectator sport. We had all better wake the fuck up and recognize that fact or we will lose it forever.
And I hate losing.
Especially to a bunch of jackoffs like we have in Washington right now...
If we are to retake the 'Shining City on the Hill', we need to start in earnest. We've already lost a lot of ground...

And if on the way, you happen to meet a smug statist or fool, who refers to you as 'angry'- allow me to share the following from a FaceBook exchange from a few hours ago..

Righteous anger is appropriate when one's freedoms have been stripped,
When our liberties ignored,
When our traditions held in contempt,
When our children and our children's children are forced to pay the folly of our leaders arrogance with the fruits of their labors

And I say unto thee that would speak lightly of your anger...
'go fuck yourself'

It's not over.
It is not the beginning of the end.
It is the end of the beginning.

I look forward to the fight.

(and thanks professor. As always, our conversations are invaluable)