Saturday, November 7, 2009

To be not so P.C., That is the Question

Truly, so much ground to cover....
Healthcare, Deficits, Afghanistan, Global Warming, Megan Fox, Smurfs, Barney Frank (whoops, a bit redundant there, sorry)....
But I can't.

I keep coming back to Ft. Hood.

Beyond the incredible stupidity that was the 5 minute rambling introduction and 'shout out' inflicted upon the populace by the president, we find even deeper layers of systemic poo...

A) The president asks us 'not to jump to conclusions' when it comes to Maj. Hasan.... which is always a good idea - but when someone yells 'God is great' prior to opening fire in a crowded room, I think that it is fair to deduce a thing or two....
Amazing that he hastily and erroneously decided that police had acted 'stupidly' in the arrest of his friend, Henry Gates - proclaiming his ignorance to all the world...but now, the president doesn't want anyone to 'jump to conclusions'... that's just precious Mr. President, really.
B) C.A.I.R. - thank you for immediately condemning Maj. Hasan's actions. It might also be a good idea to speak out EVERY TIME a suicide bomber, gunman, etc. takes a life.
C) Out of curiosity, if a mosque had instead been the target, I wonder how fast the president would've flown over to be seen as offering condolences? Perhaps a 'shout out' prior to addressing the country then?
D) Could it be that all of this PC stupidity has actually resulted in 13 deaths? In another time, would Maj. Hasan's reported previous behavior been tolerated? Would he have remained a commissioned officer let alone been promoted?

- forgive the rambling..frustration does that to me. Soldiers are dead. Our president's initial response was an embarrassment. Political Correctness runs amok and the world spins madly on.


  1. One of FDR's labor camps for "Jerry" was right near here. I guess they were treated pretty decent, but no...given shovels instead of firearms.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So classic. I didn't know "presidents" do shout outs to their homies!
