Friday, November 27, 2009

Semper Cry

.... ok, Marines don't actually cry - they have their tear ducts removed during basic training....

So I will cry for them (in a manly sort of way)
and for the rest of the armed services.

You may be asking yourself, 'self, what the hell is this nutbag talking about this time?' Consider the following....

Exhibit A -
Political correctness and the Hasan debacle. It is readily apparent to all but the most insanely liberal of fringe, brain dead lunatics that the Amy allowed a substandard performing and dangerous soldier to promoted through the ranks because of his status as a 'protected minority'. Efforts to point out Hasan's obvious deficiencies and concerning behavior were halted for fear of backlash. The 'stick' of an EO (equal opportunity) complaint - even a warrantless one was obviously a much greater motivator than the 'carrot' of doing the right thing. The Army placed a higher premium on 'diversity' than little things like 'honor, integrity and ultimately, the lives of the soldiers under its command. And yet even after this abject failure, Gen. Casey defends this pitiful excuse for a policy, fearing diversity as a greater casualty than the lives of soldiers.... a pathetic embarrassment..

Exhibit B -
4 Blackwater security guards are tortured, mutilated, murdered and strung up on a bridge. A team of SEALs is tasked with hunting down and capturing the mastermind. They are successful (as if there were to be any other alternative). There were not songs of glory to greet them, no round of drinks to be bought, no medals to be awarded, not even an 'attaboy'. Instead, they awarded non-judicial punishment. Why? Because the perpetrator had a bloody lip. A bloody f*ing lip and they get the 'captain's mast'.... Now these commandos gave 'the mast' 'the finger' and the punishment will be decided by court's martial. Yet again, we are more concerned with our enemies than our soldiers. Enemies that would hack of our heads and hang our bodies from bridges... and we are prosecuting our soldiers over a bloody lip.... This is a national embarrassment...

Apparently, our armed services has been infected with the same virulent strain of butt-stupid, self-destructive, 'progressive' insanity that has plagued the rest of our society. Hopefully, this infection is still in the treatable stage - because if it rots our military to the bone, our cannot stand.

Must be the turkey hangover
Maybe I'm just cranky

or maybe I'm just tired of the stupidity.

I'll re-read this in a few days when the tryptophan levels have leveled out and see how I feel then.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff again.

    For the record, I have seen a marine or two ball their eyes out. Just that witnesses are too respectful and humbled to name names.
