Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mare's Eat Oats and Goat's Eat Boats and Other Random Thoughts

Despite my best efforts, my tiny brain is more incapable of stringing together coherent thoughts than usual - so I have decided to go with a 'stream of consciousness' approach today.

Were I still a child, my mother would make me go climb trees for a few hours and come back and try again when I was exhausted - sadly, now one cannot climb trees as environmentalists would claim that the tree would be damaged, or it's feelings hurt or some idiocy - and even if you could escape their notice legal liability would prevent it... as one might fall and sue someone... That aside, if said act were performed and witnessed, Child Protective Services would be called...... after all, such activity is dangerous....
yet I digress.....

  • Blue Dogs roll over and play dead....or at least brain dead anyway. Although one of them got a bone for her troubles ....a BIG one. To secure her vote, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) was presented with a $300 million incentive from Harry Reid (and reportedly, a belly-rub as well)... Hmmm.... maybe 'brain dead' is only secondarily accurate following 'morally bankrupt' -and here I thought that "Blue Dogs" were supposed to be fiscally conservative? - then again, George W. Bush touted himself as a fiscal conservative..... so I suppose this particular betrayal of principals shouldn't be much of a surprise.
  • If it is true that the larger the government, the smaller the individual - then I am feeling pretty damn puny. Damn puny indeed....
  • I have come to the conclusion that the government is like Michael Moore. Government continues to expand at an exponential rate, much like Moore's waistline and performs about as well as Moore running a marathon. So why the hell do we keep feeding him cheeseburgers?
  • It has been said that when you rob Peter to pay Paul, that you can always count on Paul's vote - but why does Peter not get pissed? Say that 3 times fast...
  • If the Constitution were a 'living, breathing document' as many progressives insist, it would be so damn fat it would need a scooter to get around in.
  • If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, would it still be taxed?
  • 237 or 44% of congress are millionaires, you can't throw a rock in Washington without hitting a lawyer (and subsequently, get sued) and yet we wonder why our laws are so out of step with reality...
  • and just in case i forgot to mention it, Dr. Phil is a colossal douchebag.
May the gods of clarity smile upon me next week so that my ramblings may take on some form of consistency....

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