Monday, January 4, 2010

And Here Are Our Categories....

I'll take 'you've got to be f*ing kidding me!' for 500 please..

The answer is... 'a plea deal for the crotch bomber'

I'm sorry..what was that answer again Alex? I couldn't quite hear you over the sound of my own anguished screams..

A plea deal..?
The entire Obama administration needs to be bitch-slapped..seriously.

Crotch Bomber needs to be in a cold dark room in GITMO being water-boarded right now until he squeals like a little pig (kinda like he was before he was advised that he shouldn't say anything until he talked with his LAWYER!

...just another WTF moment brought to you by, The Obama administration..

Then again, I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised.
KSM and the gang will be tried in a civilian court - in NYC
Maj Hassan is merely a murderer, not a terrorist
We have man made disasters instead of acts of terrorism

Maybe I am on to something here (as opposed to being on something here)
Despite the occasional blustery rhetoric delivered by the podium in chief - it is pretty much universally accepted that Obama does not wish to accept that we are at war. It seems that our 'overseas contingency operations' are more of an inconvenient annoyance that must be dealt with 'Barry-style', that is, a misunderstanding of sorts that can be dealt with an eloquent application of charm and verbiage. There's only one small problem.
They hate us.
They really hate us.
We can close GITMO, tear down our military tribunals, get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, abandon Israel offer pres. Bush up for war crimes and it still won't matter.
Because they HATE us and want us to die.
- This is what pres. Obama fails to comprehend, that we are in an ideological war. Placating the enemy only makes matters worse. What we sometimes view as 'compassion' (or what I generally view as 'abject stupidity') our enemies view as 'weakness'... and weakness will get you killed (and sometimes a Nobel Peace Prize) yet I digress...

Now, where was I going with this anyway?
Have you ever been so pissed off that you just can't seem to finish a thought?
That's me!

Honestly, I'd much rather be rambling about health care, shovel ready projects, cap and trade, Kanye West... anything but this.
I would love to support the Commander in Chief in his foreign policy decisions - at least in principal. I disagreed with aspects of implementation of the Bush doctrine, especially as they pertained to securing the peace in Iraq, etc. but I could get behind principals and policy as a whole.
It is important to stand behind the Commander in Chief - even when they say really stupid things, like 'you are either with us or against us' or when they bomb aspirin factories in the middle of a sex scandal.
But I can't.
Not now.
Because right now we have a commander that doesn't command. He pleads. He bows. He excuses.
And it is an embarrassment.
Dear God how I hope that changes

I can only hope he doesn't get a whole lot of us killed before he figures it out

I think I'll take 'this shit ain't funny' for 200..
or maybe 'I think I'll start upping the dose on my antidepressants' for 300..

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