I don't know about you kids, but this whole hypocrisy thing is really starting to piss me off.
Exhibit (A) - Dan Rather
Dan freaking Rather.... Articulate' Obama Couldn't Even 'Sell Watermelons
Still waiting for the ACLU to go bananas.. (oh, I'm sorry, is that offensive?)
but they won't. Nor will any media outlet for that matter.
Can you imagine the absolute apocalyptic firestorm if say...Rush Limbaugh or better yet Glen Beck had made that comment? Hell, if ANYONE from the FOX News Network had said it, even a damn intern, the PC police would've been dispatched and pistol whipped the shit out of somebody.
Sadly, but oh so predictably, anything that is or that can possibly be construed as racism is only thusly applied as such when the 'offending' party is either Conservative or a Republican.
Which leads me to..
Exhibit (B) - David Shuster
MSNBC, the paragon of liberal elitism!
(OK, it is a steaming pile of poo fit only for brain dead Statist sycophants and other assorted flotsam, but I digress)
Here's the rub. Everyone's favorite chair of the House Ways and Means commission (Charlie Rangel) is (shockingly) under investigation by a House Ethics Committee. The Republicans, predictably, capitalized on the event, calling Rangel a 'corrupt Harlem Democrat'.
David Shuster, being the jackass that he is, apparently questioned the use of the word 'Harlem' suggesting that the word was 'racially tinged' (oddly, the 'corrupt' description didn't raise an eyebrow...)
Never mind that Harlem is actually Rangel's district or that he offices there - because, dammit, a REPUBLICAN said 'Harlem' and all those damn Republicans are evil racist bastards!
I wonder if any of the non-black residents of Harlem are offended?
Exhibit (C) - Liberals, in general. Screw it. I'm tired of beating around the bush here.
I said it.
'Why' you ask? How could it be that the self-styled champions of the oppressed are racists?
No, they aren't the sheet-wearing, cross-burning fucktard variety. Those ignorant bastards are up front about their frighteningly asinine and hateful beliefs - 'hate' being the operative word. 'White Power' blah, blah, blah. They are generally marginalized by civilized society (as they should be)- except for Robert Byrd that is...
The liberal racist fucktard (LRF) is of a more stealthy and dangerous variety - and the reason is simple. They don't hate 'minorities', they just apparently hate white people - or rather, white men and the 'oppressive' society they have created.
The LRF kills minorities with kindness, or what the LRF perceives as kindness anyway.
The LRF has given the world the bigotry of low expectations.
Why is it that a mention of 'civics literacy' by former Senator Tom Tancredo brought forth screeching protests from Rachel Maddow as being designed to prevent blacks from voting (and yes I say 'blacks' because not all 'persons of color' originate from Africa - besides, I am referred to as 'white' (among other things) and not 'Anglo-American' so if you have a problem with the terminology, feel free to bite me). And yes, once upon a time in a very different America, literacy tests were used and designed to shut out the black vote by unequal application of law at the time (allowing illiterate whites to vote while denying blacks the same right). Today, we as a nation, spend ungodly sums of money on a public school system that EVERYONE (regardless of race, color, creed or even citizenship status) has access to. NOBODY should be illiterate, period. So, Ms. Maddow (and all you other LRFs) why is it that any test of literacy would only adversely affect the black population? Are non-blacks somehow smarter? In your LRF wisdom, do you somehow know best? It is obvious that you think you do anyway... you elitist jackass
Such examples are endless.
New Haven, Connecticut invalidated firefighter promotion tests when minority candidates failed to pass. Firefighters who actually passed the test (one of whom had a learning disability) had to take the case to the Supreme Court in order to receive the promotions that they earned (which eventually ruled in their favor, score one for the Supreme Court)
~ side note. Sonia Sotomayor, the 'Wise Latina' herself, had her appellate court ruling in that matter overturned. Oops. Apparently, disenfranchisement is perfectly acceptable if in the name of diversity, right Sonia?
If one really wants to lose one's mind (which is a terrible thing to waste, after all) - all one really needs to do is turn to 'The View' - a cornucopia of stupidity and uber-liberalism (with the notable exception of Elizabeth Hasselbeck) (and I apologize for the redundancy of 'stupidity' and 'uber-liberalism' - but it is either very late at night or early in the morning and I grow weary and cranky). Yet I digress. During a post-Oscar re-hash, Sandra Bullock's victory for 'The Blindside' was discussed - when Vanessa Williams (sitting in for Whoopie Goldberg) uttered forth the following snippet of pure crap "brings up a theme for black folks. Here's another white family that has saved the day... another black story that has to have a white person come in and lift them up."
Boys and girls, if that's not racist then water 'aint wet and the sky 'aint blue. Of course, this sort of statement goes unchallenged when person spewing such sewage is a liberal (or in this case, liberal and black). Again, just think of the response if the above statement was uttered by a non-liberal.
Lest I forget the Limbaugh / Rams (minority) ownership debacle - where Limbaugh was essentially banned from ownership over comments he never made. Of course J-Lo can lyrically muse And the game done chose me to bring pain to niggas and pussy holes, they one in the same and be awarded a minority shareholder in the Miami Dolphins franchise... Because Limbaugh describing media cheerleading for Donavan McNabb due to a wish to see a successful black quarterback was 'divisive' according to Goodell...... and J-Lo's lyrics were obviously enlightened... idiots. Hypocritical idiots, all of them
Allow me to be blunt for a moment (because usually, I so masterfully hide what I am really feeling)..
Liberals think they are better and know better than everyone else. As such, they need to protect the great unwashed masses from the inequities of society.
From this belief has sprung the well-intentioned but nonetheless oppressive practice of the welfare state. That is, since folks (in this case, non-whites) aren't smart enough or clever enough to take care of themselves, the LRF (in the form of the state) must do it for them.
Conservatives are truly equal opportunity. Rise or fall, succeed or fail, we are all created equal - with the same basic skill sets and potential for greatness or failure. What you do (or fail to do) is up to you. Either you will self-actualize, realizing your potential or you will fail.
How is it then, that the conservative allows themselves to be painted by the racist brush (and for that matter, why is it that every non-white - from Condaleeza Rice to Miguel Estrada, who is conservative, is either branded a sell-out or an Uncle Tom?)
What is more cruel, allowing one to succeed or fail on their own merits or the soft tyranny of never having to do anything but suckle at the government teat?
Personally, I'm done backing away from this.
I refuse to be branded as prejudiced, racist or the like (which is always comical to me considering my family makeup).
We can either challenge the abject stupidity and hypocrisy of the status quo as the painting of conservatives / Republicans as racists - or by default, accept it as a completely unwarranted and inaccurate 'truth'.
Nut up or shut up, as it were.
I'm calling a watermelon a watermelon.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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