Damn Lies
and Barack Obama.
Did anyone actually think our Celebrity in Chief had any intentions of listening to any opinion but his own (and the teleprompter's of course) in today's Bipartisan HealthCare Summit?
(If anyone in the audience is raising their hand right now, for the love of God, don't reproduce. That level of stupidity really shouldn't propagate beyond 1 generation)...yet I digress.
Bipartisan my pasty white ass.
'Plan B' had been written, was in the chamber and was prepped to fire before today's little P.R. event even took place. The entire premise between today's dog and pony show was to “give a face to gridlock, in the form of House and Senate Republicans.” - this at least was expressed desire by senior Democrat muckity mucks.
And let's be realistic here. EVERY republican suggestion thus far has been dismissed. Bills to date have had zero bipartisan input. After all, it wasn't supposed to need any bipartisan support - with the supermajority and all. Ooops.
Damn obstructionist Republicans! See how they prevented Democrats from...agreeing...with....themselves...? Bastards! (and to any fringe-jobs who may not recognize it, that is what we call sarcasm)
That plan failed. The lack of a bipartisan effort by the president could not have been more clear. After all, it is difficult to have a 'conversation' when the Obama spoke longer than all Republicans combined... (damn but that man loves the sound of his own voice)... and he ended the show with feigned lamentation that the divide may be too great and the nuclear option 'may' be required.
(*hypocrisy alert* Obama and co. railed against such activity as a 'an arrogant power grab against the founders' intent')
Obama claimed that 'we cannot have another year of debate on this'. The reason is simple, he has had his presidential ass handed to him over the last year and can't possibly withstand another year of such a beating. Although another year of kabuki theater might be good for the nation, at least this way we have a chance of other enormous pieces of legislation / steaming poo might be forgotten about... (I can dream anyway)
Is it too much to ask for the president (as well the current crop of hard-left leaning Democrats currently populating Washington like horny cockroaches) to not vilify 'big business' (or big pharma, big oil, Wall Street Fat Cats or big whatever)? Obviously, the answer to that question is hell-to-the-no, but I had to ask it. After all, if the 'big bogeyman' didn't exist, who would be the enemy for 'Big Government' to save us from?
- and in this particular case, the bogeyman is Big Insurance.
Take all the profits from every insurance company and put them in a fund to pay for the uninsured, how long would it last?
A whole year? Nope
6 months? Nope
3 days? Yup
Those evil capitalists! money grubbing whores! See how they are fleecing the little guy?
3 days.... Bastards! (yes fringies, that was sarcasm again)
*and for the record, I tend to loathe insurance companies on the level of a consumer and provider of services. To put it bluntly (and mildly) they suck. That being said, they suck an order of magnitude less than government. The corruption and inefficiencies of government are well documented and obvious to anyone with a brain (which of course leaves a whole lot of folks out of the equation...) - comparatively speaking, insurance companies are paragons of virtue and efficiency*
Just a few random thoughts here..
- As a society, I believe it is incumbent upon us to care for those who truly cannot care for themselves. This 'aint cheap - but we can and should absorb the cost. (notice I said 'cannot' not 'those who choose not to'. 2 totally different things and a rant for another time)
- If you have a 'pre-existing' condition and didn't have insurance prior to the diagnosis, it is no longer insurance that applies to your situation. Insurance is for risk and is spread across a pool of individuals. So if you have a pre-existing condition, be prepared to pay more - it is only fair. Where the true screwing is taking place is those who have conditions and want to switch plans and in my humble opinion is where legislation is most needed.
- Getting dropped by an insurer after one develops a serious medical condition is unconscionable. Methinks a public flogging of all those responsible (from top to bottom) in making such a decision is permissible. It could be a pay-per-view event, with the proceeds going to the families of the screwed...
- Mandating that individuals purchase coverage may not be constitutional - but I think it is a good idea. If you wait until you have a problem to get coverage, then we are at the above problem. Then again, I am a huge fan of personal responsibility.
- You can't substantially lower costs without competition.
- Government and competition are mutually exclusive. Get over it. Really. No, I mean it. I hear this one all the time. Open your eyes and move on. Seriously...
- Doctors and hospitals could charge less for services if they didn't have to practice with a lawyer on each shoulder. Tort reform is needed, badly.
- Obama is not fighting the Republicans on this issue as much as he is fighting the will of the American people, no matter how much he would like to pretend otherwise
- Current legislation on the table by the Democrats and the president has nothing to do with reforming healthcare and everything to do with power. Sad but true
Hopefully, in gridlock - at least that way, the American public won't be forcibly sodomized with this terrible steaming pile of legislation.
Until then, we are forced to listen to the 'Great Communicator' and his magic teleprompter try to convince us that he is really as smart as he thinks he is...
and by the way Mr. President, you lead a nation - not just a party. I would greatly appreciate it if you would realize that and stop acting like a partisan jackass.
The Weekly SubStandard