Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bipartisan My Pasty White Ass

Damn Lies
and Barack Obama.

Did anyone actually think our Celebrity in Chief had any intentions of listening to any opinion but his own (and the teleprompter's of course) in today's Bipartisan HealthCare Summit?
(If anyone in the audience is raising their hand right now, for the love of God, don't reproduce. That level of stupidity really shouldn't propagate beyond 1 generation)...yet I digress.

Bipartisan my pasty white ass.

'Plan B' had been written, was in the chamber and was prepped to fire before today's little P.R. event even took place. The entire premise between today's dog and pony show was to “give a face to gridlock, in the form of House and Senate Republicans.” - this at least was expressed desire by senior Democrat muckity mucks.
And let's be realistic here. EVERY republican suggestion thus far has been dismissed. Bills to date have had zero bipartisan input. After all, it wasn't supposed to need any bipartisan support - with the supermajority and all. Ooops.
Damn obstructionist Republicans! See how they prevented Democrats from...agreeing...with....themselves...? Bastards! (and to any fringe-jobs who may not recognize it, that is what we call sarcasm)

That plan failed. The lack of a bipartisan effort by the president could not have been more clear. After all, it is difficult to have a 'conversation' when the Obama spoke longer than all Republicans combined... (damn but that man loves the sound of his own voice)... and he ended the show with feigned lamentation that the divide may be too great and the nuclear option 'may' be required.
(*hypocrisy alert* Obama and co. railed against such activity as a 'an arrogant power grab against the founders' intent')

Obama claimed that 'we cannot have another year of debate on this'. The reason is simple, he has had his presidential ass handed to him over the last year and can't possibly withstand another year of such a beating. Although another year of kabuki theater might be good for the nation, at least this way we have a chance of other enormous pieces of legislation / steaming poo might be forgotten about... (I can dream anyway)

Is it too much to ask for the president (as well the current crop of hard-left leaning Democrats currently populating Washington like horny cockroaches) to not vilify 'big business' (or big pharma, big oil, Wall Street Fat Cats or big whatever)? Obviously, the answer to that question is hell-to-the-no, but I had to ask it. After all, if the 'big bogeyman' didn't exist, who would be the enemy for 'Big Government' to save us from?
- and in this particular case, the bogeyman is Big Insurance.

Take all the profits from every insurance company and put them in a fund to pay for the uninsured, how long would it last?
A whole year? Nope
6 months? Nope
3 days? Yup
Those evil capitalists! money grubbing whores! See how they are fleecing the little guy?
3 days.... Bastards! (yes fringies, that was sarcasm again)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dirty and Wrong

I'm wrong.
Dirty and wrong...and I am shamefaced.
(OK, not shamefaced exactly - because that pushes the needle on the wuss-o-meter to an uncomfortably high reading.. and I'm not exactly dirty, being a big fan of personal hygiene and all.. but I think you get the general idea)

and cue the music with dulcet tones of lamentation and insightful regret...

I read a book, found it to be smart and entertaining, but essentially dismissed the author.

I've focused on moments of incoherent ramblings and infantile showmanship and largely ignored the greater message.

Oh sure. I gave him grudging props now and again - but I didn't want to be identified as a 'fan' or admirer in any sense of the word.

Most importantly, I bowed to the pressure.
It was easier to be dismissive.
It was easier to turn up my nose and essentially play the elitist.
It was easier to go along with the crowd.
It was easier to not be judged.

And I suck.

And just like that, I can't look in the mirror -
and not just because 2 years of non-exercise is not very sexy on a body, not very sexy at all..

I really would've liked to think that I was better than this.
I would've liked to think that I was setting a better example for my daughter - to stand up for what is right, not just for what is convenient.
I would've liked to think that I would've had the conviction of my ideals to make my own assessment and not allow others to do it for me.

Who knows.
Maybe 'they' are right.
Maybe he is a divisive lunatic.
Maybe he is an egoist of the highest order.

But IF I come to that assessment, then the assessment must be mine to make. An honest assessment, free from fear of derision or judgment.

Today I sat and listened to Glen Beck's CPAC keynote speech -
and I was glued to the monitor (which for my ADD-riddled ass is no mean feat). It was the first speech that I ever willingly sat thru - and no one could be more surprised than I.
It was magnificent.
It was insightful.
It was funny.
It was a philosophical and intellectual call to arms.
And I suck.
Or at least I did.

And so I apologize for my intellectual dishonesty.
And Mr. Beck, I thank you.
Not just for your incredible speech - but for providing me the opportunity for evaluating my own inherent stupidity.
I'd like to shake your hand and buy you a cup of coffee.

Maybe this whole fatherhood thing is making me a little sappy.
Maybe the lack of sleep is messing with my head.
Or maybe, I have the impetus to be the best person that I can be - the kind of man that does not reflexively judge another for personal and social expediency.

It's morning in America
(and apparently, my tiny bundle of 'impetus' needs her diaper changed.. so it appears that my foray into the realm of public confession must come to an abrupt and merciful end)

Inspired and exhausted is an interesting and potent elixir.

Time to grab a diaper, baby wipes and cup of coffee and get to work.
(now if I could only learn to cry on cue....)