How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways....
1) you piss off all the right (or is that left?) people
2) you are pretty hot for a politician / grandma
3) see number 1
4) all of the above
Then again...
- It is true, she lacks a certain 'gravitas'
- She may be a bit folksy for some
- Bailing on her governor's gig did not show tremendous leadership skills
- Women, especially good looking ones who could kill you, skin you and serve you up for dinner generally tends to frighten the more cosmopolitan amongst a crowd
- Katie Couric completely kicked her ass in an interview with stunners like 'what periodicals do you like to read?'
- She would certainly not be my favorite choice for candidate to run against Obama in 2012 (then again, I would likely vote for a goldfish rather than suffer another 4 years under that hyperpartisan ideologue's idiotic brand of 'leadership'.
They say she has no experience, but the country (sadly) elected a complete neophyte politician / veteran community organizer who reads the hell out of a teleprompter and wrote 2 books. Wow. Comparatively speaking to Obama, she's a veteran.
Her 'extremist' religious beliefs are often brought up. 12th Imam? Suicide bombings? Nope. Just formerly Pentecostal. Which is apparently fairly threatening to some (I hear that they can fling communion wafers like little bready throwing stars...)
I also hear rantings that she just isn't that bright. Democrats have used that brush to paint Republicans for quite some time (Reagan, Bush, etc.) and I'm not sure who they mean to compare this apparent lack of intelligence to? Obama perhaps? He may have scored well on his IQ test, but that hasn't prevented him from governing like a complete retard.
She doesn't have time to govern effectively with a 'special needs' child at home. One can only wonder if the same were to be said if Sarah Palin were a man (obviously, that would be a really terrible name for a man, but you get my point).
So what is it?
Is it that she is unashamedly pro-life?
Is it that she is a conservative?
Is it that she is far from cosmopolitan, but proudly rural?
Is it that she is infinitely better looking that any of her liberal politician counterparts?
Is it that she is not Ivy League educated?
Is it that she would rather write notes on her hand than biologically link herself to a teleprompter?
What makes her such a threat?
What is it about her that makes liberals lose there fragile minds and expose themselves as wildly hypocritical when it comes to 'women's issues'? e.g. National Association (of Liberal) Women, etc.
In less than 1 week, I saw the following groups on FaceBook "Tell Sarah Palin to Shut Up" and "Intelligent Women Against Sarah Palin" - and that was only because those evil FaceBook administrating bastards changed the @*^%!=+ layout AGAIN!!.....yet I digress.
Thank you Sarah.
Continue to make those Mainstream Media talking heads go all slathery and stupid
Continue to expose those who confuse 'liberal women's rights' with 'women's rights'
Continue to piss off all those people who so rightfully deserve it...just by being you...
The Weekly SubStandard