Monday, November 1, 2010
To Ourselves and Our Posterity
Today, 'conservatives', 'patriots' or whatever label they are branded are in revolt against a different crown - sadly, it is a crown of our own making. A crown that has grown more bloated and corrupt year by year, administration by administration. Not inherently due to a (D) or (R) in front of their name but rather for the underlying (P) - progressivism. The belief that centralization of power is good and that the political/intellectual elite are wiser and better able to deal with our own problems than we - the oft-failed belief that a benevolent dictator is favorable to freedom
Celebrity and charisma is a poor substitute for leadership.
Demagoguery and the politics of division can no longer be allowed to hold sway.
We can ill-afford to 'pull (a lever) and pray' anymore - leaders must be held accountable for actions. Those who gain power by the growth of the machine cannot be trusted to unblinkingly maintain it
The bloated and corrupted apparatus that is government must be restored to the engine of freedom it once was
We wont be hung for treason in the attempt – instead, the IRS will be dispatched upon us
The Crown's army will not march in the streets – but a Legion of bureaucrats and regulators will descend upon us like a plague of locusts stripping us of individual liberties and freedoms - decimating the fruits of our labors
There will be no ‘One if by Land, Two if by Sea’ – now we have ‘One if by Bailout, Two if by Social Programs’
Once our forefathers took a stand to assert their rights as Englishmen
Today, we take as stand to assert our rights as Americans, as established in the Constitution – and as before, not just for ourselves but our posterity.
Ask yourselves, what sort of America will we leave them?
The battle may begin with an election tomorrow – but the war will not end soon.
Decades have we born the self-made yoke of an ever increasingly tyrannical ruling class of the government elite – and they will not relinquish their power easily or willingly
The fault is ours as must be the solution
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance - and in this, we have failed. We can no longer afford to do so
Again, I ask you – to our posterity, what will we leave?
Diminished freedoms?
A fragmented society where identity politics trumps the good of the citizen?
Crushing legacy expenses – the economic ‘Sins of the Father’ forever born by the children?
American Exceptionalism replaced with a cultural scorn of American Mediocrity?
Do we leave them ‘The Shining City on the Hill’ or a government inspired Katrina trailer park?
The choice is not theirs
The responsibility is ours
Be Vigilant
Demand the freedoms as established in our Constitution
Honor the sacrifice in blood made by those who established and protected it
Leave to our posterity, a nation in which they can be proud
Be Revolutionary
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Midnight in the Garden of Crude and Feeble
Greetings gentle reader. Fear not, I shall use small words for thee – for our overlords and their mouthpieces have spoken…. And verily, we hath been pronounced as meager of intellect.
For you see, we, the ‘great unwashed masses’ must be daft.
We disagree with our Lord, Barack the Merciful and Most Wise.
We…..find fault in his governance…
How can they explain our displeasure with our Lord?
How can we not see that he does all of this for us?
Does he not wish to clothe us?
To feed us?
To provide us all with a place to live?
Does he not strive to make sure that the air we breathe is pure?
To protect the land from the evils of the Great Dragon, Capitalism – from despoiling mother Gaiya?
Can we not see that he strives to protect us from the untold harshness of failure – by removing the unreasonable and minuscule chance that we might succeed? To swaddle all of us in the luxury of mediocrity so than none may feel the harshness of nothingness?
Can we not understand that he wishes to remake us into the Glory that is
That we bristle under our compassionate yoke vexes them – and their voices grow bitter.
From the Court Jesters Maher and Behar…
And then there is the portly, diminutive Jester – who in her rage in describing a citizen wishing to directly challenge the machinery of our Lord, proclaimed ““She’s Going To Hell, This Bitch!”
Our Lord’s proclaimers of the most high word – they too cannot fathom our ignorance. From her perkiness, Katie Couric – bristling in her golden chair at state run media, describing the ‘great unwashed’ to Nina Totenberg, throating from her perch at Nationally Politically Correct Radio that she is ‘very afraid’ of the rumblings of the ignorant peasant class. No, there will be no “Juan-ing” of Nina – our Lord will know clearly where she stands….
And then there are our Lord’s lieutenants… So vast is their befuddlement, so complete is their rage, that the veneer of sanity slips.
He-Who-Looks-Like-Herman-Munster, Vassal Kerry, laments the “period of know-nothingism’’ that plagues our fruited plains
The Skeletal Vassal Pelosi, in fevered ramblings even laments "we haven't really gotten the credit for what we have done."
Verily, even her congressional counterpart Vassal Harry rambles incoherently that his efforts saved the world!
This madness, it is our fault you see. Our ignorance, nay our arrogance fuels this rage. Our intellectual betters deserve our loyalty – they need our praise. Without our undying love, how are they to focus on our betterment? They can ill-afford to be distracted by our discontent.
We must accept our fate as voiceless drones – dependent upon the Golden Apparatus of Government for all of our needs.
We must accept our ignorance and the terrible merciful wisdom of our Lord, his Vassals and their truth-sayers. We are but sheep before them.
We must come to enjoy the taste of government cheese with a spread of soft-tyranny.
On Tuesday, we can rise up and tell the ruling class which orifice they can insert their agenda.
Me, I’ll take the latter.
Cheese gives me gas.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
WWSAD - What Would Saul Alinsky Do?
Some may refer to me as ‘re-tardy’ (just ask my lovely wife…. gotta love that self-defecating humor)
Weeks have passed since my last foray into the boundless reaches of stupidity that is life under the Obama administration – and it just keeps getting better, doesn’t it?
I throw myself on the mercy of the viewing public – as stress levels have been high, insanity has reigned with impunity, I exist on a diet of caffeine and fingernails, sleep sounds like something rich people do to amuse themselves and I haven’t showered in days.
Yes, I am a tweaked out zombie with poor hygiene (ok, I kid about the showering… but everything else is essentially spot-on). All I want to do is sit in the recliner and watch some uber-nerdy Science Channel show about parallel universes and how in one of them Obama actually shows his birth certificate…
But no, Barack the Merciful has been so unbelievably, unnervingly, pathetically stupid this week that I am forced to respond. Really, I don’t want to. I could even watch 30 min of Bear Grylls in Worst Case Scenario….
Alas, it is my civic duty to point out that the current resident of1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is a complete and utter f*cktard.
You have got to be effing kidding me.
First, the week starts off with the assistant Secretary of State (ooh, being Hillary’s bitch… Bill must be relieved that someone officially has that title for the time being) some uberleft choadwank (who when not occupied with performing amazing acts of hypocritical and wrongheaded stupidity is bringing suit against Donald Rumsfeld for war crimes..) apologizing to China for our terrible human rights record visa-vie….Arizona.
Michael H. Posner…who ‘brought it up early and often’ (ahem) when misrepresenting the Arizona law with the ChiComs… you know, the same regime that has gulags, political prisoners, millions murdered under Mao (say that 3 times fast) and the same country that’ll shoot you in the effing head if you cross the border illegally.
Yeah, that country.
I’m not sure if Posner was trying to work a few billion off of our China debt as he got on his knees and smiled like a donut – or if he just hates America that much. Either way, words like ‘pathetic’ and ‘infuriating’ don’t quite cut it.
Perhaps Barack the Bower has just programmed all of his lackeys to grovel whenever they meet foreigners… just a thought.
But no my friends, it gets worse. Much, much worse – because our illustrious and all caring messiah, Barack the Most High, had yet to take the stage…and he brought company, the president of Mexico…hilarity ensued (and by hilarity, I mean vomitous, enraging, hypocritical stupidity of a heretofore unknown level in America)
‘Mexican president knocks Arizona law from White House lawn’ – to which, one of my friends of Mexican heritage replied ‘I hate it when the words "Mexican" and "lawn" are used in the same sentence!’…I still laugh when I see that…
I digress, mostly because my eyes are crossing with exhaustion and I have to pee…which is too much information…
Anyway…. To illustrate my disgust, allow me to use the following analogy
Could you imagine bringing a guest to your house - who then proceeds to insult your family in the most inanely hypocritical fashion- while you stand by nodding your gynormously large-eared vacuous nugget like a chipmunk on crack?
Then, to top it off - throw a gala event in this person's honor at the very expense of the family he is slandering?
Welcome to the administration of Barack Obama.
May it only last another 2 years.
I wonder, does our president have a little gummie band on his wrist with ‘WWSAD’ on it? (What Would Saul Alinsky Do) –Dear God but this man must hate America.
This is a national embarrassment of the highest order. That the leader of any foreign nation would be permitted to castigate Americans from the White House lawn...? Could you imagine say Ronald Regan or John F. Kennedy’s response to this? They would’ve bitch-slapped the hell out of that whiny little punk and let a coyote smuggle him back across the border.
And when the rank hypocrisy of it all is considered (just take a gander at Mexico’s hearts and flowery immigration laws) the situation gets even more infuriating. Mexico is essentially a 3rd world nation more dangerous than Iraq, hopelessly corrupt and no viable economic infrastructure – whose only hope is to influx our borders with illegal immigrants so they can send back remittances to prop up their broken economy – and what passes for a president (our Demagogue in Chief) allows the leader of this broken land to lecture US? From our own house no less?
Obama has gone from not accepting American exceptionalism to defecating on the laws he has sworn to protect. I honestly didn’t think my opinion of our president could get any lower… but this… is beyond the pale.
Then, the Great Apologizer discusses his idea of 'comprehensive immigration reform'
which essentially consists of…. paying taxes and perhaps a small fine.... then you can live here if you've been flaunting our laws with impunity – as long as you have illegally emigrated to our country through the southern border that is. His speech was sickening, truly.
Obama must obviously think so very little of this country, if citizenship means so little to him. If Ellis Island were still functioned as per a port of entry for legal immigration, I wonder if he would try to close it before or after GITMO?
And then… the coupe de gras
Obama went on to say… ‘We are defined by our bonds, not our borders’ – eg, the president of the United States has no respect for the integrity of the borders of the nation he has been chosen to lead.
Just think about this from a practical standpoint for a moment. How would you react if your neighbor jumped over your fence, swam in your pool, ate your food and while rearranging the furniture more to his liking, hurt himself … and sent you the hospital bill. As we are defined by our bonds of neighborliness and all that, I suppose we shouldn’t mind, right?
One could argue of course, that the above quote was 'taken out of context' and the president is keenly aware of the importance of national sovereignty… but then, one would be wrong.
Given Calderon's complete disregard for our borders and our laws - Obama's speech is both incredibly disturbing and instructive. One need not ‘take it out of context' to see our president wants open borders as badly as he wanted universal healthcare.
He is addressing a man who ENCOURAGES his population to disobey our laws and ignore our sovereignty.
Obama himself has completely characterized Arizona immigration enforcement to the point of lunacy and race baiting.
Obama has ignored repeated requests by states to enforce federal law and / or to help defend the border.
Oh, almost forgot - congressional Democrats cheered Calderon (standing ovation) when he addressed Congress, lecturing us about racial profiling and Arizona law... the sackless bastards cheered him.. (and JFK is madly spinning in his grave)
The context is clear - our president has no respect for our national sovereignty, our culture or our values. He views a strong America as bad for the global community – and the most powerful community organizer in the history of mankind will not rest until he has done what he thinks is best for the global community – the United States be damned.
What the hell did we do to ourselves?
November cannot come soon enough – at least that way he can be legislatively neutered.
Well, I am sure Benedict Arnold will be looking forward to the company some day in Dante’s little eternal vacation home..
What Would Saul Alinsky Do indeed….
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Grecian Formula
Somewhere on
His once proud subjects –a people of renowned art and culture, founders of the Olympic Games, warriors and philosophers – the stuff of legend and inspiration of the Western World, the very cradle of Democracy… have come to this.
Children. Spoiled, lazy, pathetic, violent children – and their fall now too will become the stuff of legend.
But will we recognize it as a cautionary tale – or will it be relegated to hushed whispers of a boogeyman, a mythical place of no consequence to our own existence.
If our illustrious Celebrity in Chief has his way (and with his dutiful, kneepad wearing media outlets slathering in messianic blind obedience, acquiescently regurgitating his talking points – the chances are about as good as Michael Moore making a 3rd trip around the buffet at the local all-you-can-eat) the insanity in Greece will merely be viewed as a ‘Greek Tragedy’.
Take them away from those who have spent a lifetime suckling at the government teat, and what do you get?
National strikes.
Murder… or was it a sacrifice? Perhaps those bankers were set upon a pyre in order to appease the gods? ‘Bring back our money that we did not earn!’ cried the pathetic masses of
Pathetic bastards.
Living off of credit cards for decades and then throwing a national hissy fit when they get taken away? Crying, nay DEMANDING, your ‘rich’ uncle (EU or Sam as the case may be) get you a newer, shinier card to continue to feed your habit..
GDP to debt ratio of 114%.. yeah, that’s sustainable… idiots.
Then again, what should we expect?
Haven’t we been browbeaten over ‘European exceptionalism’?
Their ‘enviable’ healthcare system (towards which we are heading, inexorably – unless drastic measures are taken)
Haven’t we been made to envy the European vacation system?
Their ‘compassionate’ welfare state?
So wise, so cultured…. Such utter and complete fecal matter.
But in how much better shape are we I wonder?
How close are we
There would be some poetic justice to this I suppose. Some tragic symmetry that the birthplace of Democracy and the first nation to implement these ideals on a grand scale could share the same fate..
Our debt to GDP ratio currently stands @84% and climbing like athletic stripper on a pole, thanks largely in part to the ‘fiscal misdemeanors of W. and the multiple felonies of Obama’ (wish I could remember where I saw that quote…).
Under the most rosy of circumstances, our debt to GDP ratio will eclipse the rate in the failed state of
We are heavily invested in the maintenance and expansion of the welfare state, entitlement spending and unfunded mandates total in the trillions.
Our ‘Supreme Agitator’ already foments anger towards bankers on a nigh-daily basis in order to push his next abhorrent ‘reform’ package – so when the inevitable crisis comes, all the government fed drones will need do is echo the commentary of Obama as they set fire to financial institutions.. words matter, right Mr. Obama? Or is that mantra only to be used to demonize those who don’t agree with you?
Unemployment ‘benefits’ now equal 99 weeks of paid vacation. 99 weeks… just let that one sink in… In my entire working life, I doubt I have even had 99 days total of vacation – which I suppose may explain why I am such a cranky bastard I suppose… Such a lovely thought though, to know that an ungodly percentage of the fruits of my labor go towards funding such insanity.
Our illustrious Demagogue in Chief has repeatedly insisted that once Americans get used to his ‘healthcare reform’ package, we will learn to love it ( translation ‘once you get hooked on the government teat, you get hooked on the crack of mediocrity). Side note, I always thought the president’s statements to such to be vaguely reminiscent of a schoolyard drug-dealer.. but I digress
So it appears that the ‘Grecian Formula’ an elixir of destruction flavored by stupidity, is alive and well. Bottled and sold by our own president and national political leadership (suck that it is). Yes, we may be the last to fall, the EU will certainly spiral down the toilet of stupidity before we have the opportunity to do so – but make no mistake, we are in cue for the that inevitable journey (unless of course, ‘fiscal responsibility’ becomes more than a campaign slogan to the Republicans – and IF they can regain the levers of power without impaling themselves [and us] in the process).
We do have a chance. While Zeus may turn a blind eye to the pitiable masses of
Atlas may yet shrug.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
A Nation of Immigrants, A Nation of Laws.... And A Race-Baiting President
That and the fact that there is simply so much ground to cover...
- There is the absolute monstrosity that is 'financial reform'... a bill so bloated, so mired stupidity and bureaucracy as to have government picking winners and losers, creating a class of institutions as 'too big to fail' as well as granting the government the ability and authority to hire/fire and essentially mandate activity. Certainly not Capitalism as we have come to know and love but more like another Obamanism that we have come to expect and loathe...
- Then there is the complete and utter failure of the Obama administration (thus far anyway) to do anything at all about the gulf coast environmental disaster. Of course, Obama, Nepalitano and company were far too busy criss-crossing the country in campaign mode browbeating, race-baiting and other largely un-presidential activities visa vie Arizona immigration reform measures than to bother with an ecological disaster...but at least Obama has sent Eric Holder and a team of lawyers to the site... I'm sure that makes the gulf coast natives breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, there are half (or 1/8th hearted) attempts to compare this with the Katrina disaster - a charge Obama vehemently denied.. and then scheduled a fly over between rounds of golf, but i digress
- As fun as the above 2 would be to rant about (more), I think the ultimate winner of the rant lottery has to be immigration reform, Arizona and the subsequent parade of stupidity and hypocrisy that predictably followed.
The primary (and one of few legitimate) functions of government is the safety of its citizens. As this pertains to border security, the federal government has failed miserably, for several reasons. First is a failure to enforce its own laws. as such, states like Arizona are then forced to do the federal government's job for them and enforce laws that are already on the books. Sadly (and predictably) the left, Democrats in general and the sycophantic, kneepad wearing media has interpreted this action as somehow racist - with comparisons to Nazi Germany and Ethnic Cleansing being bandied about with such passionate, indignant stupidity as to make a thinking person want to vomit. As Andrew McCarthy so beautifully points out, such misrepresentations are willfully ignorant or due to massive stupidity (which effectively describes the standard attack positions in this case... and yes, I am describing you as well Mr. President you big silly.)
I personally find it more than slightly disingenuous and moderately infuriating that the VAST majority of pinheaded whankers complaining about these 'draconian' measures have never been to or lived in a border town. Crime, drugs, violence and fear are daily companions - yet opponents somehow think if we just held hands and sang kumbaya all of these nasty problems would go away (as somehow border town folks obviously bring this upon themselves, being slackjawed racist white trash and all).
Are there POTENTIAL problems visa vie civil liberties with this law? Yes, and it is concerning - as is any potential violation of civil liberties. Let us not forget tho, that police are well trained and given the absolutely crushing amount of pressure they will be under, it is highly unlikely they will be keen on making any decisions that violate the statutes in the new law (which strictly prohibits racial profiling).
and lest I forget, our president is a race-baiting, uncouth leftist sack of poo who has zero respect (if not outright loathing) for police officers. Lest we forget the warm up round of "police acting stupidly" in a case he new nothing about involving his black professor friend being arrested - resulting int the first 'beer summit' in order to smooth over problems created / exacerbated by his own ignorance, but now... it has been taken to a whole new level. In a sorry excuse for a presidential speech - Mr. Obama described how people of Mexican decent, taking their children out for ice cream 'would be harassed'. 'A possibility' he said... I literally screamed at the radio. Mr. Obama may have been a terrific community organizer, but as far as a president, he is an absolute embarrassment - although I'm sure Saul Alinsky would be proud.
In one small statement, he not only undermines trust in and authority of police, but engenders race-baiting, fear and hatred. God help us, but Limbaugh was right when he said race relations would deteriorate with Obama in office... I never would have believed that a president of the United States would act in such a manner. It is truly disgusting.
Sadly, all of this misses the point (if the point is immigration reform and not race-baiting that is).
As much as the Arizona law might be required - it only treats a symptom, not the disease. In this particular instance, we must do more than wield the stick. We must remove the carrot as well - and the answer is simple.
- Go after businesses that willingly hire illegal immigrants - all of them. Make the penalties hurt. Once the cost of doing business with 'cheap' illegal immigrant labor surpasses the cost of doing business the legal way - businesses will no longer hire illegal immigrants. Oh yeah, and jail terms for the ownership. That would provide quite the incentive. Once the draw is taken away, our problem will be drastically reduced.
- Somebody could actually read the 14th Amendment and rule on it accordingly. How any thinking person could read the 14th Amendment and conclude that if you squirt out a kid in our borders that that child is entailed to citizenship is baffling. This would take away the anchor for continued immigration of family members (of course, a grandfather clause would need to be in effect - but still, it would significantly help in regards to future influx.
- Secure the effing border. Seriously how hard can this be to understand. Don't hamsting the border patrol. lots of had things happen in these lawless zones from drug smuggling to human trafficking to terrorist activities visa vie the last 2 things. Here is a newsflash. Mexicans do not want to stay in Mexico. Remittances help keep the Mexican economy (such that it is) going. If we don't physically prevent illegal entry , they will keep coming.. and so will drug smuggling, human trafficking, etc.
- A functional guest worker program would be a bonus. Then we would know who is in the country- and we would prevent this labor force from being treated as glorified slave labor and prevent the ongoing exploitation of an underclass of our own making (unfortunate side effect of that one is that it would deny the Democrats a powerful voting block, as their party as it is currently situated cannot survive with out an underclass to 'care for' (and by 'care for' I mean to 'repress in the first place and then indignantly cry out that it is the fault of Republicans, racist whitey or the evils of Capitalism. And the Republicans? They might just need to rethink the wisdom of getting into bed with business interests that are willing to turn a blind eye to illegal activity as long as profit margins are high.
Just a few suggestions, but what do I know, right? I'm just a 3rd generation immigrant (on all sides) with a legal immigrant wife and my 2nd generation adopted Mexican daughter... I'm such a racist bastard...
Yes, it is true - we are a country of immigrants.
We are also a country of laws.
The suggestion that these two statements are diametrically opposed, or that somehow belief in the sanctity of the rule of law makes one a racist is flatly wrong, disingenuous and outright stupid.
Illegal immigration is a serious problem. In this, we deserve serious, thoughtful leadership - not a race-baiting, elitist demagogue with a messiah complex.
Friday, April 23, 2010
In Response to Stupidity..
In Response to Stupidity..
Ah FaceBook where would I be without thee?
I would miss so much whiny liberal complaining, misinformation and yes…abject stupidity.
A tenant of Sun Tzu is that one must know their enemy if one is to defeat them – which is really unfortunate, as the mind of the typical liberal is so mired in elitism, emotionalism, delusion and guilt that it makes any meaningful understanding painful if not nauseating.
Tho who am I to deny Sun Tzu..
Damn thee ADD/ADDHD! I yet again, digress.
As the story goes, a friend posted the following: You Might Be a Liberal If…
Admittedly, I thought it was pretty funny and accurate (except for #8 – which only applies to the most lunatic fringe of liberalism).
I will spare you the whiny response and concurrent brilliant response by yours truly (OK, it wasn’t brilliant – but it got the job done).
Unable to compete on the battlefield of ideas, whiny liberal person (WLP) posted, in response, ‘You Might Be A Conservative If’, which I’m sure was pulled from Bill Maher’s website, or perhaps the Huffington Post..
Nauseatingly whiny and generally devoid of humor, it droned on.
I was struck, not only by the nauseatingly whiny, humorless stupidity – but also by the fact that it was nauseatingly whiny and humorlessly stupid … kind of like Rachel Maddow
I will reprint said stupidity – with my responses… because it’s my effing blog
You Might Be A Conservative...
You might be a conservative if...
You think "proletariat" is a type of cheese – only a liberal would start an insult with cheese. Seriously.. And then there is the whole class separation / warfare thing right off the bat. Of course, being a liberal elitist, they wish to establish a sense of intellectual superiority.. instead, they establish only their superiority complex and a love of fancy cheese….
You've named your kids "Deduction one" and "Deduction two." – I will be blunt here. Say that to my face, please. Question my love for my children. I will feed you your fucking teeth.
You've tried to argue that poverty could be abolished if people were just allowed to keep more of their minimum wage – ah yes my liberal friend, because the government can take care of people much better than they can, right? Perhaps if you can’t make it on minimum wage, some training or schooling (self betterment) might be in order? Maybe even a little personal accountability… The free market is the best hope for ending world poverty – not government intervention (and by the by, the convoluted tentacles enmeshed in the free market as it currently stands, effectively hamstrings the market from coming anywhere near that dream.
You've ever referred to someone as "my (insert racial or ethnic minority here) friend" – again, my liberal friend, you flex your stupidity in tremendous fashion. Liberals are the bean counters of friendships, making quotas and affirmative action lists – conservatives just have friends (and if they do categorize as such, then they are douchebags who call themselves conservatives and not true conservatives). Wait a moment while I kiss my brown immigrant wife and brown adopted daughter before I continue writing… you jagoff.
You've ever tried to prove Jesus was a capitalist and opposed to welfare. – Capitalism, socialism. liberalism nor conservatism existed at the time of Christ, you historically ignorant toad. ‘Do unto others’ and ‘teach a man to fish’ work pretty well for me. I also find it slightly disingenuous, that a liberal (who historically has a habit of attacking all things Christianity) would even bring Jesus into an argument…
You're a pro-lifer, but support the death penalty. – What’s your point? Liberals tend to grant more rights to fish, trees and insects than to unborn humans. If being ‘pro life’ is supposed to be an insult, than you are a bigger jackass than I thought. And yes, in a perfect world, devoid of any shadow of a doubt of guilt and or innocence – I’m ok with the death penalty (and something tells me, that if something unspeakable happened to your family, you would want the same… you hypocritical nutsack)
You think Huey Newton is a cookie. – It would’ve been better if he were. What is staggering is that you would even bring him up. Black Panthers have quite a checkered history. Not exactly a peaceful one. Then again, you unmitigated douchebags idolize Che Guerra, so I shouldn't really be surprised.
The only union you support is the Baseball Players, because heck, they're richer than you. – Dear God, you are an idiot. It’s not union members, it’s union leadership (radicalized, statist-leaning, uber-corrupt LEADERSHIP, we have a problem with). And for the record, nutsack, the average union guy makes a better living than most and has better benefits..
You think you might remember laughing once as a kid. – Nice. If anything, liberals are the glum, humorless souls who constantly wail against the inequities of life. And as adults, we laugh all the time, at liberals… you nutsack
You once broke loose at a party and removed your neck tie - stop, you’re killing me with the funnies… Do you even know any conservatives? Silly question.
You call mall rent-a-cops "jack-booted thugs." – a conservative wouldn’t say something that stupid. Strictly the prevue of liberals… ya nutsack
You've ever referred to the moral fiber of something. – your point being? Of course lacking any moral fiber of any kind, you wouldn’t understand. You’re just full of the regular kind – and poopie
You've ever uttered the phrase, "Why don't we just bomb the sons of bitches." – a rather simplistic response and not entirely inaccurate – a comparative liberal response would be ‘why don’t we just hold hands and sing kumbaya
You've ever said, "I can't wait to get into business school." - again, your point being? Business (not government) creates jobs. How else are you going to put the proletariat to work? Nutsack.
You've ever called a secretary or waitress "Tootsie." – you’re an idiot. And living in the 50s. and you’re a nutsack
You answer to "The Man." – see above response, circa 60-70s
You don't think "The Simpsons" is all that funny, but you watch it because that
You fax the FBI a list of "Commies in my Neighborhood." – seriously? What decade are you living in?
You don't let your kids watch
You use any of these terms to describe your wife: Old ball and chain, little woman, old lady, tax credit... – nice, except for the fact that conservative women can and choose to do anything they want – as opposed to liberal women who are vilified for having children. Nutsack.
You scream "Dit-dit-ditto" while making love. – Libs obsess about Limbaugh, we just listen to him. P.S. you have issues.
You've argued that art has a "moral foundation set in Western values." – unlikely a conservative has ever made that argument.
When people say "Marx," you think "Groucho." – would be better for the planet that way. I do so love your feux-intellectualism. Conservatives know Marx better than you do – knowing the enemy and all of that… nutsack.
You've ever yelled, "Hey hippie, get a haircut." - again, what decade? Nustack.
You think Birkenstok was that radical rock concert in 1969. – No. you’re just a douchebag.
You argue that you need 300 handguns, in case a bear ever attacks your home. – no a shotgun would do quite nicely.. and you are an idiot.
You point to Hootie and the Blowfish as evidence of the end of racism in
You've ever said "civil liberties, schmivil schmiberties." – um.. no. you’re an idiot. Guarantee more conservatives have died protecting them than liberals have tho.
You've ever said "Clean air? Looks clean to me." – again, you’re just an idiot.
You've ever referred to Anita Hill as a "lying bitch" while attending a Bob Packwood fund-raiser. – Unlikely, and you are still a nutsack.
You spent MLK Day reading "The Bell Curve." – and… no.
You've ever called education a luxury. – again, no. not primary anyway. Higher education, yes. But I guess you aren’t talking about business school are you.
You look down through a glass ceiling and chuckle. – the ceiling that persists by your making? Not so much. Free market prevents such things… nutsack.
You wonder if donations to the Pentagon are tax-deductable. - *sigh* Conservatives, by and large, are considerably more generous visa vie charaties than liberals. Look it up. Conservatives also like a strong defense, whereas you like appeasement. Again, you’re an idiot and a nutsack
You came of age in the '60s and don't remember Bob Dylan. – sorry, how old are you again? And everyone knows who Dylan is… idiot.
You own a vehicle with an "Ollie North: American Hero" sticker. – Never seen one. Although the ‘Bush is a war criminal’ sticker is classy.. and irrelevant.. nutsack
You're afraid of the "liberal media." – you’re funny. Liberal media is irritating at best and generally irrelevant. MSNBC is a joke, you’re the ones who get in a tizzy over FOX commentators..
You ever based an argument on the phrase, "Well, tradition dictates...." – never have, but even if I did, what would be the problem? I suppose nothing of relevance ever happened before you were born, right?
You've ever called the National Endowment for the Arts a bunch of pornographers. – only when they have bullwhips up their asses or cover the Virgin Mary in elephant dung.
You think all artists are gay. – not so much, and wouldn’t care if they were.
You ever told a child that Oscar the Grouch "lives in a trash can because he is lazy and doesn't want to contribute to society." – you are a sad and pathetic little man
You've ever urged someone to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, when they don't even have shoes. – again, the conservative is much more likely to give them a pair of shoes, bring them into their house for dinner and then show the how to do it – then expect them to do so. The liberal will force them to rely on government to provide substandard shoes and to hate those who have better shoes than they. Nutsack
You confuse Lenin with Lennon. – one was one of the greatest mass murderers in history, the other, a musician – gunned down by a lunatic. The greater question, why do you idolize Lenin? An instructive way to end this as any I suppose.
To my friends of the SubStandard, I apologize…clearly not my most insightful or relevant work. Sometimes, irritation and lack of sleep gets the best of me…. Nothing that a good night’s sleep wont fix..
Next week, we shall explore the stupidity that is Bill Clinton, or perhaps I shall rant about the farce that is ‘financial reform’.
Remember, next time you come in contact with a Liberal – argue with them. They may not learn anything, but it’s fun to point out their glaring idiocy.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Assume the Position, It's April 15th
That blessed day when 50% of the country bends over and grabs its collective ankles for the other 50%... and not only do we not get dinner first, we have to pay for theirs...
Allow me to rephrase that. My anger appears to be misplaced.
It is not the 'other' 50% that I take issue with. Hell, I pay a significant amount more in withholding taxes every year so that my pain is incremental..
The 50% that don't pay income tax don't pay it because they don't have to.
Simple, yes - but instructive nonetheless.
What do we expect?
We could say, 'hey guy, I know the economy sucks and all - but could you please pay your fair share of taxes...please'? (and in on a related note, Americans are essentially split as to whether income tax payments are 'fair' - big effing shocker there...)
I'm sure that would go over as well as Rosie O'Donnell in a Maxim spread...
No one is going to voluntarily give up funds to the government.
Which makes sense, why give money to a hopelessly corrupt, bloated and inefficient organization that steadily (and as of late, at a frighteningly fevered pace) robs us of our liberties and freedom?
I know that this may come as a shock to you, gentle reader - but my anger is squarely directed at...(wait for it)... the government. (and you always thought I was their biggest fan..)
But what about 'social justice' 'compassion' and 'equality'?
and for that matter, what about the 'middle class' that our class-baiting president loves to pay lip service to? Nice piece on that one here... but I digress..
In that classic Mel Brooks movie 'History of the World, Part I' the Roman Senate was set to vote on expenditure of funds on palaces or the people - the response of the Senate was 'Fuck the Poor' in unanimous fashion.
And that kids is how Conservatives and Republicans have allowed themselves to be painted (and let's be honest, not entirely inaccurate in describing certain politicians or other business leaders who falsely label themselves as conservatives and have lined up over the years to support .... then again, Democrats have also taken huge sums of money from the coffers of the corrupt, but I digress..again)
Here's the rub. We live in the most generous nation on the face of the earth. It is incumbent upon us to help those who cannot help themselves. Assertion to the contrary is (in my view) unacceptable (and one of my larger arguments to Objectivist Theory visa vie Ayn Rand.. not that she outright argues against it, but she certainly did not feel it was a wise use of resources)
Tell me, what is more compassionate - providing a system of relative comfort that essentially chains one to a life of mediocrity, preventing any chance of realizing even of a fraction of their true potential.. effectively a slave under the yoke of soft tyranny - or the chance to succeed as far as your desire, talent and effort can carry you - in a system that has made us the envy of the world for far longer than any of us have been alive? Of course, that same system will permit failure - but the extent and duration of that failure would squarely and certainly fall upon your shoulders?
Sadly, the former system becomes more and more entrenched in our psyche - thrust upon us by a government whose satiety knows no end - and the latter.... a fading dream from that Shining City Upon the Hill..
We The People have been incentivezed to suckle at the teat of government, not to produce - and this will destroy the American Dream as surely as if the dreamer itself was killed
Where then is the 'social justice' in this?
Are we all made equal by mediocrity and false promises of a Utopia that exist only in the minds of those who would call themselves our betters?
Unsustainable. The word gets lip service - but I didn't quite grasp it until I spent 1/2 hour listening to this. View and weep my friends.
Sure, tax those big bad rich people. Won't even BEGIN to touch our debt.
$210,000.00 per person, or something like that...and it continues to climb at astronomical levels.
Realize, of course, that this is not all the fault of our Celebrity in Chief (although, by orders of magnitude, he is more to blame than any other president in recent memory - outspending even FDR.)
As I am fond of saying, Bush spent like a drunken sailor (cutting taxes = good, increasing expenditures = bad, doing both simultaneously = stupid). Obama, on the other hand, is spending like a fleet of drunken sailors on amphetamines. Damn it anyway, I am digressing again...
But since I am on a little Obama rant here..
I have heard arguments that he is a socialist.
I have heard others that he wishes to turn us into a European style Social Democracy.
I find both comparisons to be largely irrelevant.
Haven't we fought wars ostensibly to prevent the spread of socialism / communism?
Didn't we fight base the Revolutionary War because we, in part, didn't want to be part of Europe?
Just a thought..
Government has become ubiquitous. So enmeshed are they in our daily life, that we can't even notice them anymore. Something tells me, this is not what the founders had in mind.
Entitlements (needless ones) are destroying the fabric and industrious strength of our nation.
Overly burdensome regulations place the U.S. #61 in countries rated in ease to do business.
Our corporate taxes are the highest in the world.
Institutions are bailed out, as too-big to fail.
Government jobs grow in size and paycheck as the private sector continues to shrink and constrict under the weight of increased burden and decreased reward.
And this same government has the gall to tell our children that we 'cannot expect to be #1 in science and technology forever'..... is this the Audacity of Hope we were promised?
Where does this leave us?
Republicans? Track record is not good. In fact, it sucks. They scream fiscal conservatism when it suits them, nothing more. They will need to act consistently and decisively in order to regain a modicum of trust.
Democrats? Not bloody likely. Especially this iteration of a once proud party seems hell bent on forcing us headlong into decline and keep us there. They are easily the most dangerous internal threat the country has ever seen. Inflammatory? Perhaps, but not inaccurate.
Is the enemy of my enemy my friend?
Can all we hope for is a stalemate? Equal representation of stupidity and corruption to gum up the works and slow our inevitable collapse?
I will not leave my daughter to this fate.
Her generation paying for our mistakes, it cannot be allowed.
We The People, must get off of our collective asses.
Support those candidates who will focus on limited government
a balanced budget
drastic reductions in unnecessary social programs and restructuring and reform of those necessary ones
less restrictive corporate regulations
a FAIR system of taxation (and a swift junkpunch for anyone who ever even thinks about a value added tax..
an energy policy that promotes national independence from foreign interests
and actively work to replace those who do not.
Just a start.
Just a thought.
The Tea Party is off to a good start - but they need help.
As my friend the professor has pointed out, some visible outreach to minorities would help. Too many forces are aligned against it to make it appear racist. Sadly, it is not enough to be race-neutral as it were - we need to actively court a diversity of like minded people.
Conservatism has allowed itself to be painted as white-only. This must not only be stopped, but the perception MUST be reversed. The message must be made clear that conservative principles will do more to raise the standard of living for all people, regardless of race, color, creed, gender, orientation, unibrow or manicured or even Baltimore Raven's fans than liberalism ever can hope to. Ours is a problem of communication, not content.
But the biggest problem we face is one of apathy.
To which, there is only one solution... a couchectomy.
This entails removing the meaty portion of the gluteus maximus from your favorite sofa.
Do not shy away from arguments.
Ignorance and stupidity cannot go unchallenged.
The status quo cannot be allowed to stand.
A Sam Adams once said
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."And in this, the majority has not prevailed - and brush fires continue to burn.
The silent majority can no longer remain silent - 0r essentially, we are screwed.
The Shining City on the Hill will be relegated to legend and our children will suffer under the yoke of soft tyranny and a continual decline towards perpetual mediocrity.
The choice, as always, is ours.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Strong Horse, Weak Horse.....Shetland Pony
Oh dear God, but our president is a complete joke - and that is painful to say.
Certainly, I enjoy brow beating our favorite Alinskyite on domestic policy issues. Hell, it is as target rich an environment as one could ever hope to have in regards to failed policies and general stupidity - but I would much rather leave my disputes at the borders as it were.
Though POTUS leaves me no choice.
Sadly his incompetence in domestic policy is far overshadowed by his overwhelming stupidity and sheer ineptitude when it comes to foreign policy.
Just for shits and giggles, let's take a look and peek at some of his gems over the last few years...
- Obama Tells Netanyahu to Sit and Spin on His Dreidel - Hmm...lets see.... 14 months without any weapons contracts... Endless chastisements over apartment buildings built IN THEIR OWN CAPITAL (during a time when the Palestinians were dedicating a square to a mass murderer responsible for hijacking and subsequent deaths of 38 Israelis)..... nice timing Mr. President, way to show that solidarity...Ditching a meeting with Netanyahu to go have dinner or go play basketball or something to that effect (because THAT'S the way to treat an ally...) - to say nothing of how the whole redheaded-stepchild treatment of Israel emboldens Hamas and Iran (because that will help stabilize the region....) I'm sure that the halfhearted statements about our 'strategic alliance' being 'strong' fills the Israelis with a warm and fuzzy feeling...
- Obama Neuters our Nuclear Capabilities - Yes boys and girls, it appears that the country can sustain a devastating chemical attack...and we won't nuke you. Hell, even Ahmadinejad had a field day making fun of Obama on that one.
Apparently, we will start with a graduated response, which will start with Obama displaying his Nobel Peace Prize, followed by harsh language... Obviously, Obama spent far too much time reading Alinsky and not enough time reading Sun Tzu. Looks like our Celebrity in Chief's idea of a position of strength is obtained on his knees.
Like the Constitution, Obama Is Treating the Bush Doctrine Like Toilet Paper - "The change would be a significant shift in the National Security Strategy, a document that previously outlined the Bush Doctrine of preventive war. It currently states, "The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century."..... Now apparently, the doctrine will identify 'The struggle against those who, for reasons not the fault of Barack Obama, for some reason, just don't like us very much.' On a related note, all future foreign policy doctrines will be stamped with the word 'Kumbaya' across the top....
- Obama Gets Tough on Iran - bwahahhahaha! Oh dear, methinks I peed myself a little bit on that one. Obama and Sarkozy spearheading the charge....then he (Obama) says 'we will not wait indefinitely'...*sniff* ah, he is killing me sides are splitting.... Seriously, this stuff just writes itself... Granted, we haven't seen a decent Iran policy in decades...but still... Obama's complete lack of a spine regarding Iran makes jellyfish go all like, 'dude aren't you like a vertebrate or something?' I'm sure that the Iranian Green Movement has really appreciated the support
- Et Tu Ukraine? - Scrap those plans for NATO, now the Ukraine is crawling back to the Russians for better relations. Why? Frankly, the West is run by a bunch of pussies and Obama is a giant vagina (my apologies to the female genitalia for the crass insult)
- Hamid Karzai Tells The West to 'Suck It' - Yup, we've shed our blood and spent untold billions on Afghanistan to support a government almost as corrupt as ours...and 'Barry' can't get no love. In a related story, Obama bought a new case to display his Nobel Peace Prize... Personally, I say we go Dresden on them. Do we really need this grief?
Strong Horse or Weak Horse ... We've got neither. We've got an effing Shetland Pony. Obama may fancy himself as a transformational figure, but our enemies rightly view him as a dilettante and a fool, our allies are confused and the rest of the world really doesn't give a rat's ass.
Our illustrious Celebrity in Chief has completely forgotten his primary responsibility - the safety of the United States of America.
Narcissus is too busy staring at his own reflection to care - and most of the press find it too difficult to get off their knees and look around..
All full of sound and fury, signifying nothing...except his ignorance.
Brilliant, really.
Oh, and Mr. President - in the 'for what its worth' category, nobody remembers Neville Chamberlain's domestic policy pompous idiot.
The Weekly SubStandard
Friday, April 2, 2010
From the Declaration of Independence to A Nation of Dependents
No, it wasn't out of despair (admittedly, I was bummed)
It wasn't out of anger (duh, I was pissed)
It was a completely different problem....
It was purely a problem of focus.
So many targets of opportunity and so little time to rant.
As we used to say in the military, we have a target-rich environment out there.
Focus Damian, focus.....
Iran...Israel...Obamacare...10th Amendment...Guam tipping over and capsizing....
and it goes on and on and on (ad nauseum)
But ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
Today, I had the remarkable displeasure of listening to our Narcissist in Chief delivering another factually challenged speech in North Carolina (which is about as enjoyable as undergoing a urodynamics examination)... when he spewed forth a few statements of such telling arrogance, that for a rare thoughts were crystallized (and that, my friends, is a rare event - apparently rarer than my ability avoid the use a run-on sentence...)
In his rhetorical flotsam that passed for a speech, Obama laid bare his contempt for the free market, his love of government - and himself as the personification of it.
His first remark was about the 'former' Student Loan Industry -
'I (the all-powerful, all knowing messianic figure known by the ignorant masses as Barack Obama) have taken $87 billion (or some such) from the Banks (those evil, profit mongering bourgeoisie bastards) and through the government (an instrument of my supreme intellect, will and generosity) will direct the funds straight to you (the proletariat, the great, ignorant unwashed - those who I swear to work for, but consistently exploit and subject to servitude of the state)....(and by the way, I will use the bloviated $87 billion 'savings' and use them towards justifying Obamacare...which is win-win really..'OK, perhaps not a literal dictation of his speech - but close enough for government work as it were (besides, if one can tune in to the deafening subtleties of his ego, it is more or less an accurate translation)
For you see... The Barack giveth (to the state) and the Barack taketh away (from the private sector) and another piece of the private sector is absorbed by the state.
- Automobile industry (GM, Chrysler)
- Banking
- Housing / Mortgages
- Healthcare Industry
- Student Loans
Something tells me the Founding Fathers would be delivering a profound junkpunch to what passes as our elected representation at this point
but I digress..
On to my favorite bit of steaming poo from the speech, where 'The Wizard of I' proclaimed
No corporation ever does anything for the public goodLet that one sink in for a minute.
I will wait for a moment whilst the rage boils within ye....
Possible translations of our favorite community organizers statement include:
- No private enterprise does anything good for the public
- Corporations are evil, selfish entities that take resources away from the state
- Public good and private enterprise are diametrically opposed
- Only the state (as an instrument of my magnificence) knows what is good for the public
- The state must control resources to ensure the public good
He has already publicly decried the limitations of the Constitution and the unwillingness of the Supreme Court to go 'far enough' in promoting social equality.
He is a demagogue who fancies himself as a demigod.
Ladies and gentlemen...we have elected a Marxist.
In one 'transformational' administration, Obama plans on moving us from the Declaration of Independence - to a nation of dependents.
and God help us, it is our fault.
We allowed our elected leadership to suck.
We failed to hold them to the high standards we demand.
We watched silently as our freedoms and liberties were slowly eroded.
We dutifully lined up to be bribed with our own stolen money.
We acquiesced.
Now we suffer under the tyranny of a leftist douchebag in the White House, an Evil skank in the House and a massively incompetent choadwank in the Senate (not to mention the countless brain-dead, sackless, sycophantic bastards populating the hallowed halls of government).
Are you pissed?
Silently stewing in our collective juices ain't gonna cut it.
We had better become the vocal majority in a hurry - or we run the risk of relegating ourselves to the culturally-challenged bitch of Europe. Just another bankrupt nation amongst nations.
Personally, the thought of leaving to my daughter such a nation.... is almost too terrible to contemplate.
The sleeping giant is awake.
The stomping begins in November...
Time to 'dissolve (some) political bands' at the ballot box and begin the rebuilding process.
Besides, 'Hope and Change' really smells like poo....