Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holy Exploding Underpants Batman!

So many possible puns about exploding underwear...
Sadly, not a one is terribly funny at this point.

Now Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Director? That's funny - or a bad joke at any rate.
'The system worked' she says.....really?
This, of course, coming from the same monumental ignoramus that would rather refer to the 9-11 attacks as a 'man made disaster' than an act of terrorism.

The president was a little slow out of the gate with an announcement.. first calling our would-be crotch-bomber (WbCB)an 'isolated extremist' before turning around the next day with more appropriate languaging, actually referring to him as a 'terrorist'. I wonder if that was physically painful for Mr. Obama, referring to someone as a 'terrorist'?
After all, the 'War on Terror' is over
and Major Hassan was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder / disgruntled employee / psychopath who just happened to have 'Soldier of Allah' printed on his business card...
yet I digress

So many screw-ups, so little time.

State Department? Check. Hilliary's house is obviously not in order. C'mon now, WbCBs dad went to the American embassy in Nigeria and gave us a head's up! Somebody sucks...I'm just sayin'

CIA? Check. So, who watches the watch list anyway? Maybe they were just busy trying to dot all of their 'I's' and cross all of their 'T's' since the Justice Department is still trying sodomize them..?

Director of National Intelligence / National Counter Terrorism Center? Check. Agencies created / expected to 'connect the dots' as it were.... not so much.

Of course, then we have the obligatory ass-covering drills. Fingers being pointed whilst thumbs were clearly up requisite rectums...
*heavy sigh*

So, now what?
Is it too much to ask that the the current administration at least give the illusion of being serious about the threat of terrorism? Honestly, I think they are more serious about it than they look. My tiny brain tells me team-Obama is so very concerned about being the 'anti-Bush' that any and all attempts will be made to convince the world at large (including ourselves) that they are indeed the 'Hope and Change' the salivating masses have been promised.
Just one problem -
Sometimes, appearance actually IS important.
Little things, like the appearance of 'dithering' over troop levels in an unpopular war,
failure to properly identify your enemy (Islamic terrorists)
little things like that.

With any luck (and continued prodding) one can only hope the administration will view this as a wake-up call
to stand up
firmly grasp their collective sack
and do what they are supposed to do - that is, keep us safe.
Otherwise, those who wish to kill us all - smelling blood in the water - will only become more emboldened.
The next guy might actually figure out how to ignite his underpants...
Next time we might not be so lucky

Monday, December 21, 2009

Apparently, its not a Tumor...

A moment of silence please.
It is my sad duty to inform you that Arnold Schwarzenegger is dead.

OK, he's not ACTUALLY dead,
he's just dead to me.

Conan the Destroyer has become Conan the Flaccid Slab of Stupidity.
The Terminator, the once proud robotic badass has relegated himself to the anals (no misspelling there..) of history as a pathetic sack of poo.

Am I being too harsh? No.
Unfair? No.
Am I pissed? Not quite
Am I disgusted? Hell-to-the-yes!

Perhaps the fault is mine.
Perhaps I demand too much from my childhood hero..?
He just sucks.

The fall has been a gradual one - and so, I thought the landing would be softer.

Let's face it. His tenure as governor of California has been a complete and utter failure. With every new tax, with every new growth of state government, with every failure to reign in unions, he became more and more ineffectual. With every knob-schlobbing of the eco-moron movement he became more and more of a joke.... but today he turned from an object of pitiable disappointment to an entity of purest scorn and derision...

You must be saying to yourself, 'self, this must be about Schwarzenegger giving Obama an -A- grade for his job as president thus far.'.....and you would be wrong! (cue dramatic music) well, at least partially.

It's not the -A- that bothers me so much. For the above-listed reasons, Schwarzenegger has already proven himself to be useless. He, like Obama, are more celebrity than public servant - both large on style, little on substance.
its not the grade.
Its the category.
Who the #*@% cares about effort!

That's like giving Nero props for playing a good fiddle while Rome burned.

Schwarzenegger, in one brief foray into stupidity has exemplified one of the greatest failings of our time. That effort is more important than results.
It is not.
Consider -
teachers are encouraged not to grade papers using red pen, for fear it may be too harsh and hurt the child's feelings
No more dodge ball
Awards ceremonies where everybody wins something
Teams vilified for winning by too much and coaches fired for the offense
Grades abandoned as too harsh

I could go on, but it I have already vomited a little in my mouth already..

Winning is no longer the desired goal.
Success is a relative term.
Excellence has been replaced with impotence.

Schwarzenegger is pathetic for what he has become.
The voice of the castrato.
Because he allowed it to be so and he was once something better, something greater.

It matters not I suppose that president Obama has made a bad economy terrible
or that he shows nothing but disdain for our country when speaking overseas
or that he is more interested in attacking G.W. Bush than defeating terrorists
or that his strident march to socialism spits in the face of our constitution
What really matters is that president Obama is really trying hard - and to Arnold and the rest of the great American castrato, that is all that really matters

Apparently, its not a tumor..
I guess all of those steroids really did shrink his sack.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Tickling the Ironies....

Poetic justice,
sweet, sweet poetic justice...

Thank you for dumping a blizzard on Copenhagen

Do you think you could drop by the Senate with a mild intestinal flu? Nothing serious, just some mid grade nausea and diarrhea to put a punctuation mark on healthcare 'reform'
that would be nice....

but I digress.. or ramble..or whatever..

Personally, I think all of the snow is thanks to Ayn Rand. Just for funzies and from beyond the grave, she managed to shake a ton of frozen precipitation onto perhaps the biggest grouping of leftist/envirowhacos/socialist/marxist elitist douchebags in the history of mankind - literally burying them in their own stupidity. Really, does it get any better than that?

Wait for it.
Wait for it..

Why yes, yes it does! President Obama flies in to Copenhagen in a blizzard - leaves in a blizzard and arrives in Washington in (you guessed it) a blizzard!

This stuff really just writes itself, doesn't it?

Of course, none of this matters to the leftist/envirowhaco elitist douchebag, because they are also socialists/marxists. Global warming is just a vehicle for the redistribution of wealth after all. The offering of $33 billion annually in climate 'reparations' makes that point quite nicely. Hell, all you have to do is look at Obama's pick for science advisor, John Holdren, whose 70s masterpiece of stupidity advocated the de-development of the United States and subsequent redistribution of resources to know that the current administration has already drunk deep from the well of kool-aid on this one. Yeah, they are pretty much gargling at this point.
The 'green' movement has been a convenient cover for them, nothing more.
Still, they are hip deep in snow - with more private planes than an airport can handle, razing a forest of paper in documents and press releases and generally creating a 'carbon footprint' the size of Michael Moore's ass... all the while wallowing in their own hypocrisy general stupidity.

So, maybe the denizens of douchebaggery in Copenhagen don't appreciate the irony of Atlas shrugging a mountain of snow on them

but i sure do

and so does the rest of the non-lobotomized world

So wherever you are, Ms. Rand, thank you
You're aces

Off subject, but has anyone else noticed that Al Gore's eyebrows look like the Grinch's? He's really starting to freak me out..
(sorry, sometimes the ADD really gets the best of me....)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt

One of my favorite (in an insanely childishly, hand-wringingly annoying sort of way) endorsements of candidate Obama) was that, darn it, people (and by people, they meant anyone not living in the borders of the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii or any protectorates, etc.) just don't like us anymore! And gee-whiz, if people (and by people, they meant anyone not living in the borders of the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii or any protectorates, etc.)don't like us...then...well, that would be..sad.. just sad.

After all, if we aren't liked, then nobody will take us seriously!...and only LIKED people can be leaders (doesn't anyone here remember high school?)

So, let's see where this has jaunt into the land of sunshine an lollipops has brought us, shall we?

Iran -
Complete failure to lend even tacit verbal support to an outraged populace, beaten and killed by a corrupt government during massive protest rallies.... check
More uranium enrichment plants..... check
Better long range missiles.... check
Desire to suck up to tyrannical regime..... check
Still playing us for complete fools.... check

Korea -
Regime as psychotic as ever..... check
Thugocracy in effect.... check
Continued failed negotiations.... check
New missiles..... check
More warheads...... check

Eastern Europe -
Feeling betrayed.... check
No more missile defense shield.... check
Quid pro quo with the Russians over the missile defense shield..... not so much

Russia -
See above.

Middle East at large -
(hate to use generalities, but this could go on forever..)
Being viewed as a 'weak horse'...... check
Goodwill from announcing we will close GITMO...... not so much

Israel -
Largely thinks the current administration is working against them..... super

Western Europe -

China -
Actively looking to replace the dollar on the world stage..... check
POTUS not meeting with the Dalai Lama when he was in Washington.... kneepads!

I'm not thinking that this whole 'sunshine and lollipops' thing is working out so well for us after all

So, the country voted for hope and change and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt....

Just like high school all over again...

I wonder if the president is going to get a Letterman's jacket and everything!

That would be SO COOL!

(Blessed sarcasm, I would be nothing without you....)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Death of Science

Supposedly, 1/10th of 1 percent of all individuals will reach the lofty benchmark of a doctoral degree in their chosen profession. Surely an erudite establishment if ever there were... right?

Then consider, if you will, America. Land of the free, home of the brave and whatnot. In the history of the world, has there ever been a place where one could enjoy such an enormity of freedom? Freedom of speech, of thought of religion.... you name it, we've got it....right?

So shouldn't America be a scientific utopia?

A paradise of ideas and intellect, where the mind is free to follow ideas and research where they will, unrestrained by dogma or institutionalized bias...

not so much..
not even close.

Science is no longer the realm of rich, brainy aristocrats who studied whatever they found important - it is a multibillion dollar industry and as such, subject to the capricious whims of those holding the purse strings. In other words, science has become a 'pay and play' arrangement where research is payed for hence designed for a specific purpose. Think tobacco research, pharmaceuticals, etc.

It is more than just money though - were it only dollar signs, I would be less concerned. Much of this scientific oligarchy unites behind a singular banner, 'the establishment'

I laugh/vomit a little in my mouth every time I hear some talking head science-idiot describe 'consensus' in science and the 'debate' over a certain subject being 'over'. Newtonian science was the consensus prior to Einstein, Ptolemy's earth centered universe was consensus prior to Copernicus, an atom was the smallest unit of matter prior to Max Plank or Einstein or whatever super egghead figured it out... the point being is science is rarely if EVER settled. When a better descriptor comes along, that is reproducible - then bingo, we have a new leading theory.

Like high school, science has been relegated to a popularity contest. You had better study black holes or string theory, man made global warming or Darwinian evolution if you want to be popular (and if you are unpopular, good luck getting a job by the way)

Science has become proclamation. One need go no further than global warming to understand this. It is the ultimate scientific establishment. The money and subsequent power that resides behind this badly flawed theorem is staggering. Careers are made or destroyed by either kneeling at or daring to question this particular thug-ocracy. Despite solid evidence of tampering (see Climate Gate emails, etc) the Global Warming Establishment is unfazed and continues it's relentless march - fueled by a self-righteousness unparalleled in most of our lifetimes. The inexorable assault on our liberty follows in it's footsteps - 'legitimized' all the while by 'science' to protect us from ourselves.

Science IS dead
Can it be resurrected?

Only if debate is encouraged and flourishes
Only if the 'establishment' can either accept competing ideas, or is removed
Only if science can commit to an open dialogue allowing for an open forum of ideas
Only if science becomes decoupled from politics

and monkeys might fly out of my ass..

In this current climate, science (and the rest of us for that matter) are completely screwed - I can only hope that a tipping point has been reached, where enough rational people have seen through the veil of hypocrisy and stupidity and insist upon (and fight for) a better tomorrow.

Pessimistic about today
Hopeful for tomorrow

Long live science

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Random Rantings 2, Electric Boogaloo

Cold medicine makes me slightly more ADD than normal - as such, coherent thought and I are more at odds than normal.

Which essentially leaves us with the week in review, on a Tuesday....

Feel free to bite me if this is an issue.

Yet I digress......

Random Rantings follow...
  • Dear God in heaven, Harry Reid is such an enormous jackass! Is there anyone but the most partisan of brain dead liberal hacks that actually buys in to the argument that voting against healthcare 'reform' is akin to voting against civil rights? Of course, the irony that it was largely Southern Democrats that voted against Civil Rights reform seems regrettably lost on this most monumental of douchebags (I apologize, gentle reader, for unleashing the 'D' Bomb so early in my rantings.... truly..). Further lost on this brain-dead embarrassment to the senate is that healthcare 'reform' will decrease choice (and as such, personal liberty)... so using his jackass logic in an unjackass-like fashion, voting against would be more in line with civil rights legislation, not for it.
  • Chris Matthews is wasting valuable oxygen. His whole 'West Point / Enemy Camp' and subsequent non-apology is worthy of a junk punch with a lead pipe assist....and yet... people still watch him. Perhaps the junk punch should be served to his viewing audience instead just on general principles....
  • 18(ish) days and NO reporting by the legacy / state-run / mindless sycophant media on Climategate.... Then again, this is the same august journalistic body that failed to report on Acorn until the cat was so far out of the bag that it got knocked-up, had a litter, got caught by Bob Barker, was neutered, had a reversal, had another litter and died during labor...
  • The 'Jobs' Summit. I am literally biting my tongue here...desperately trying to avoid a grossly descriptive modifier to this....but I shall resist! In his introduction, President Obama essentially said that he had done all that could be done and that any persistent difficulties with the economy (specifically job creation) was the fault of businesses, 'squeezing' productivity from workers..... growing fat off of profit, instead of creating new jobs. Almost forgot, there was only token small business representation present and the Chamber of Commerce was not invited (although not forgotten)
  • And bringing up the rear.... we have Kevin Jennings, President Obama's 'Safe School Czar' promoting 'fisting' to 14-year olds... a practice which one would assume would not be particularly safe, as anatomically speaking, a rectum is not designed for such activity...
Such rantings could go on ad nauseum, but my typing skills are weak and my eyelids heavy as the decongestants further kick in....

Besides, after all of that, do you really need more things to be irritated about?

and for the record, Harry Reid is a larger douchebag than Dr. Phil.....barely.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Church of the Poison Mind

Yes, its true.
I used the title of a Culture Club song.
A repulsive act if ever there was one
but we live in repulsive times...

It is, of course, a religion.
And I am of course referring to the 1st Church of Global Warming
(which is about as gay as a Culture Club song) apologies to my gay friends for associating you to with Culture Club song - the next round is on me..

Forgive the comparison, but in some ways, the 1st Church of Global Warming reminds me of the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages. apologies to my Catholic friends for associating the Catholic Church to the 1st Church of Global Warming - the next round is on me.. damn, looks like I'll be buying a lot of beer..

Consider the following comparisons, if you will -
  • Cannon Law - (The doctrine of global warming -as decreed by the IPCC, etc)
  • His High Holiness, the Pontiff - (Al Gore)
  • An Ecclesiastical Tribunal- (The U.N.)
  • Bible - (An Inconvenient Truth)
  • The Dominican Order - (liberal / progressive politicians)
  • Heresy - (Critical thinking involving global warming doctrine)
  • Heretics - (Scientists / politicians / individuals engaging in Heresy~see above)
  • The Faithful - (Legacy Media, Academia)
  • The Screwed - (Liberty, People...little things like that)
The data has been clearly manipulated, as the recent fallout of 'Climate Gate' has undoubtedly shown (kind of hard to defend your data when its been destroyed....I'm just sayin'..) (or you could peruse a past blog entry 'An Incontinent Truth'..hint, hint...)
No data = no science. No science = no theory. Bad theory + mindless adherence to dogma = a billion dollars for Al Gore..

...... Like good little mindless acolytes, the Legacy Media has failed to report ANYTHING regarding Climate Gate - and the White House sings the Global Warming mantra all the louder..... kind of like 'na nany boo boo, I can't hear you'
All this and our president will still make his pilgrimage to Copenhagen, where he will offer on the altar of almighty UN, what is left of our economy. For America has sinned the sin of the great consumer - and Indulgences must be paid...

Yet there may yet be hope.
After all, President Obama has already left one church when it became politically inconvenient (Mr. "God damn America" himself, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. and the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago).
Maybe, just maybe, if the president will leave the 1st Church of Global Warming if it too becomes a political liability....

and monkeys might fly out of my ass.

and speaking of ass... soon we will be relegated to 1 sheet of single-ply toilet paper for everyone.

Bastards.. apologies to my bastard friends for....ah screw it!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How to Fix the Economy

What to do, what to do...?

Sadly, my plans to become 'Overlord of the Galaxy' is going slightly more slowly than I originally anticipated - and my legendary status exists only within my own mind (a temporary setback, I assure you)...
As such, I am unable to inflict my terrible will upon that great vacuum of rational thought that is Washington, D.C. .... Instead of edicts, I can only make suggestions....

Thus, I present, The Weekly SubStandard's guide to fixing the economy. Prepare yourselves, gentle reader, for enormity of clarity and vision that you are about to.....well...visualize (where's a thesaurus when you need one...).
It is bold and concise in an era that sorely lacks both, a testament to human thought, a beacon of reason in uncertain times.... it is...pure genius. Drum roll please......

The way to fix the economy,
to bring innovation to the private sector,
to increase our standard of living,
to increase the number of jobs..
is very simple.


Breathtaking, I know...

Consider the following excerpt taken from a brilliant article by Conn Carol:

In a January report, White House economists predicted the stimulus bill would create (not merely save) 3.3 million net jobs. Since then, 3.4 million more net jobs have been lost, pushing the unemployment rate above 10 percent.

This failure of government to spend its way to prosperity is not an isolated incident:

  • During the 1930s, New Deal lawmakers doubled federal spending — and unemployment remained above 20 percent until World War II;
  • Japan responded to a 1990 recession by passing 10 stimulus spending bills over 8 years (building the largest national debt in the industrialized world) – and their economy remained stagnant;
  • In 2001, President Bush responded to a recession by trying to “inject” tax rebates into the economy. The economy did not respond until two years later, when tax rate reductions were implemented;
  • In 2008, President Bush tried to head off the current recession with another round of tax rebates. The recession continued to worsen; and
  • Now, the most recent $787 billion stimulus bill was intended to keep the unemployment rate from exceeding 8 percent. Instead, it now exceeds 10 percent.

These repeated failures are not an accident. They reflect the myth that government spending is a free lunch. Stimulus advocates assert that government spending injects new dollars into the economy, thereby increasing demand and spurring economic growth. It makes perfect sense under one condition:

No one asks where the government got the money.

Congress does not have a vault of money waiting to be distributed. Every dollar Congress “injects” into the economy must first be taxed or borrowed out of the economy. No new income, and therefore no new demand, is created. It is merely redistributed from one group of people to another.

Removing water from one end of a swimming pool and pouring it in the other end will not raise the overall water level – no matter how large the bucket. Similarly, redistributing dollars from one part of the economy to the other will not expand the economy, no matter how much is transferred. Yet that is all the stimulus bill is doing.

If government injecting $200billion into the economy so far creates 640,000 jobs — as the White House claims – then by the same logic, first removing that $200 billion from the economy must cost about 640,000 jobs

Spending advocates respond that redistributing money from “savers” to “spenders” will lead to additional spending. That assumes that savers store their savings in their mattresses, thereby removing it from the economy. In reality, nearly all Americans either invest their savings (where it finances business investment) or deposit it in banks (which quickly lend it to others to spend). Therefore, the money is spent whether it is initially consumed or saved. It means all the money government borrowed for the stimulus, would have been spent by the private sector.

Let’s do the math. If deficit-spending represented “new dollars” in the economy, then the record $1.2 trillion in fiscal year 2009 deficit spending that began in October 2008 – well before the stimulus added $200 billion more – would have already overheated the economy. And if it didn’t there was no reason to believe that adding $200 billion more in 2009 deficit spending from the stimulus bill would suddenly do the trick.

So what should we do to create growth?

First, Congress should resist all tax hikes. There is no school of economic thought that would justify raising tax rates in a weak economy. Doing so would reduce incentives to work, save, and invest, and be productive.

Congress must also rein in runway spending. Last year, federal spending soared to $30,000 per household for the first time ever – up from $21,000 per household (adjusted for inflation) at the beginning of the decade.

President Obama’s budget would hike spending to $37,000 per household by 2019. It would more than double the national debt. This would raise interest rates, cost taxpayers trillions in net interest spending, and eventually lead to painful tax hikes

The only way to avoid this fate is to cut spending through four steps:

  • First, do no harm: Resist totally unaffordable expansions of government-health care and energy subsidies. Stop increasing discretionary spending by 8% annually
  • Then, take back unspent Stimulus and TARP money. They haven’t worked, and they are dragging us deeper in debt.
  • Next, enact spending caps. So that lawmakers can better prioritize.
  • Finally and most importantly, reform Social Security and Medicare. This is truly the most important reform, as these programs threaten to bankrupt the federal budget. A good first step would be adding the creation of a Bipartisan Entitlement Commission to the upcoming debt limit vote.

Let me wrap up by saying that — thanks to the economy’s self-correction mechanism — all recessions eventually end. And we may be moving out of the current recession. But its no thanks to the stimulus bill. We need to focus on building a strong economy recovery, driven by entrepreneurs and families. That means keeping tax rates low, and the government out of the way.

OK, OK.... Conn Carol elucidates the concepts far, far better than I do..(as such, the author will hold some position of great importance in my court when my coronation as Overlord is completed...) but the concept remains the same.

Get the hell out of the way.

Then again, such an attitude would not permit the current administration such a glorious photo / P.R. opportunity as the recent 'Jobs Summit'....

Ah, the 'Jobs Summit'.....
Another rant for another time....

(side note, when I am recognized as Overlord of the Galaxy, any mention of a 'Jobs Summit' will be punishable by a junk punch...)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How to Blow a Potential Presidential Nomination Bid

Step 1
Grant clemency to a man with multiple felony convictions, violent ones

Step 2
Have said repeat felony committing individual (that you granted clemency to, by the way) commit multiple murders

Step 3
Have said victims of aforementioned repeat felony committing individual....that you granted clemency to.... kill police officers (firefighters, soldiers or children would also likely produce a similar effect)

Step 4
(and this is vitally important)
Quickly launch into spin-doctoring mode, blaming others for your decision.
Because that's what everyone wants from a potential commander-in-chief is someone who can quickly blame his failures on everyone else.
Is it the judge's fault? The DA's office's fault? The prison board's fault? Josie and the Pussycats' fault?
It is yours.

Leaders do the following:
  • Praise others when things go well.
  • Take blame when they do not.
  • Do not whine about sub-optimal situations or conditions
  • Make decisions and deal with the consequences.
Mr. Huckabee, you are no leader.
At least not today.

If I want to listen to someone piss and moan about 'coulda, woulda, shoulda's' or blame others for their problems, I'll listen to president Obama. He's got that act down cold.

What a disappointment.
More can be learned about a person by how they deal with failure than success. It seems that I learned more than I ever wanted to about Mike Huckabee....

and I didn't even use the word 'douchebag'......
Aw hell. So close, so very close.....

Friday, November 27, 2009

Semper Cry

.... ok, Marines don't actually cry - they have their tear ducts removed during basic training....

So I will cry for them (in a manly sort of way)
and for the rest of the armed services.

You may be asking yourself, 'self, what the hell is this nutbag talking about this time?' Consider the following....

Exhibit A -
Political correctness and the Hasan debacle. It is readily apparent to all but the most insanely liberal of fringe, brain dead lunatics that the Amy allowed a substandard performing and dangerous soldier to promoted through the ranks because of his status as a 'protected minority'. Efforts to point out Hasan's obvious deficiencies and concerning behavior were halted for fear of backlash. The 'stick' of an EO (equal opportunity) complaint - even a warrantless one was obviously a much greater motivator than the 'carrot' of doing the right thing. The Army placed a higher premium on 'diversity' than little things like 'honor, integrity and ultimately, the lives of the soldiers under its command. And yet even after this abject failure, Gen. Casey defends this pitiful excuse for a policy, fearing diversity as a greater casualty than the lives of soldiers.... a pathetic embarrassment..

Exhibit B -
4 Blackwater security guards are tortured, mutilated, murdered and strung up on a bridge. A team of SEALs is tasked with hunting down and capturing the mastermind. They are successful (as if there were to be any other alternative). There were not songs of glory to greet them, no round of drinks to be bought, no medals to be awarded, not even an 'attaboy'. Instead, they awarded non-judicial punishment. Why? Because the perpetrator had a bloody lip. A bloody f*ing lip and they get the 'captain's mast'.... Now these commandos gave 'the mast' 'the finger' and the punishment will be decided by court's martial. Yet again, we are more concerned with our enemies than our soldiers. Enemies that would hack of our heads and hang our bodies from bridges... and we are prosecuting our soldiers over a bloody lip.... This is a national embarrassment...

Apparently, our armed services has been infected with the same virulent strain of butt-stupid, self-destructive, 'progressive' insanity that has plagued the rest of our society. Hopefully, this infection is still in the treatable stage - because if it rots our military to the bone, our cannot stand.

Must be the turkey hangover
Maybe I'm just cranky

or maybe I'm just tired of the stupidity.

I'll re-read this in a few days when the tryptophan levels have leveled out and see how I feel then.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

An Incontinent Truth

......and it appears to be a 'number 2' at that.

It's been a rough week for Al Gore and the rest of the 'Global Warming' warming community.

(and watching Ed Bagley melt down is absolutely beautiful)

Don't feel too bad for Al though, the soon to be 'Carbon Billionaire' still has the time and resources to hunt ManBearPig all he wants... (Southpark reference.....classic)

Some Incontinent Truths are these..

  • Many of the same scientists who claim the sky is falling visa vie 'Global Warming' also warned us of 'Global Cooling' in the 70s
  • Many of the same scientists warned us that our own population growth would destroy us and that we had to seriously consider decreasing the birth rate
  • After the age of Katrina, we were warned that we were in for ever increasing, ever strengthening hurricanes....hmmmm...don't hear about that too much anymore do we?
  • Al Gore, like Dr. Phil, is a colossal douchebag
  • An Inconvenient Truth, the gospel of Global Warming is the factual equivalent of a Michael Moore film.... without a fat slob with a baseball hat (and they BOTH won an Academy Award.... who knew?)
  • So all those warming periods that occurred between ice ages were caused by what exactly?
  • This, like Al Gore's ego, could go on forever....
Global Warming has been and always will be more about the redistribution of wealth than actual care or concern about the environment (Copenhagen anyone?). Followers of the movement have reached a fanatical religious zeal, suggesting deniers be 'strangled in their beds' or be tried for 'high crimes against humanity' (and that's from people in our government)... sure, we can have a civilized discussion here...

Undeniably, there has been lots of research supporting claims of Global Warming - but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Research needs funding. When those who are doing the funding have an agenda of their own, it is hard to get good science (think of the tobacco industry funding a health study of the effects of smoking on the human cardiovascular system..... that make sense, right?)

Pure science, devoid of agenda or coercion needs to be performed. Lengthy, exacting, research- but that is unlikely to happen. Until then, all we can do is follow the money and see where it leads us.

Apparently, right into the pocket of Al Gore....

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mare's Eat Oats and Goat's Eat Boats and Other Random Thoughts

Despite my best efforts, my tiny brain is more incapable of stringing together coherent thoughts than usual - so I have decided to go with a 'stream of consciousness' approach today.

Were I still a child, my mother would make me go climb trees for a few hours and come back and try again when I was exhausted - sadly, now one cannot climb trees as environmentalists would claim that the tree would be damaged, or it's feelings hurt or some idiocy - and even if you could escape their notice legal liability would prevent it... as one might fall and sue someone... That aside, if said act were performed and witnessed, Child Protective Services would be called...... after all, such activity is dangerous....
yet I digress.....

  • Blue Dogs roll over and play dead....or at least brain dead anyway. Although one of them got a bone for her troubles ....a BIG one. To secure her vote, Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) was presented with a $300 million incentive from Harry Reid (and reportedly, a belly-rub as well)... Hmmm.... maybe 'brain dead' is only secondarily accurate following 'morally bankrupt' -and here I thought that "Blue Dogs" were supposed to be fiscally conservative? - then again, George W. Bush touted himself as a fiscal conservative..... so I suppose this particular betrayal of principals shouldn't be much of a surprise.
  • If it is true that the larger the government, the smaller the individual - then I am feeling pretty damn puny. Damn puny indeed....
  • I have come to the conclusion that the government is like Michael Moore. Government continues to expand at an exponential rate, much like Moore's waistline and performs about as well as Moore running a marathon. So why the hell do we keep feeding him cheeseburgers?
  • It has been said that when you rob Peter to pay Paul, that you can always count on Paul's vote - but why does Peter not get pissed? Say that 3 times fast...
  • If the Constitution were a 'living, breathing document' as many progressives insist, it would be so damn fat it would need a scooter to get around in.
  • If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, would it still be taxed?
  • 237 or 44% of congress are millionaires, you can't throw a rock in Washington without hitting a lawyer (and subsequently, get sued) and yet we wonder why our laws are so out of step with reality...
  • and just in case i forgot to mention it, Dr. Phil is a colossal douchebag.
May the gods of clarity smile upon me next week so that my ramblings may take on some form of consistency....

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The I's Have It.

Apparently, in support of Obamacare, we have 2 types of people:
A) Ideologues
B) Idiots

There. I said it....and it had to be said.
Harsh, perhaps...but accurate nonetheless...

Before the ranting continues, allow me to make an observation or two (actually, you have no choice in the matter, but after starting out so rudely, I thought a modicum of politeness might be in order..)...
No rational human being can deny that reform is overdue when it comes to the delivery of our healthcare system. Of course, some reform - such as interstate competition amongst providers is not being discussed. Others, such as tort reform is essentially taboo given the truly ginormous amounts of money given to the Democratic coffers by trial lawyers - and as such, will not be considered by this administration in any meaningful way....but we aren't talking about reform here. Healthcare legislation, in it's current incarnation, is not reform. It is change. Reform is the process of making adjustments to a system (hopefully for the better) while leaving the core of that system intact - if the reform ultimately is found to be detrimental, the system can then be reverted back to it's original configuration. This current incarnation amounts to change. Once we go down this proposed road, there is no going back.

There are a myriad of reasons why Obamacare is a terrible idea (oh, that's right, I used the word 'myriad'...because that's what the thesaurus came up with when i said 'a bunch of')... requiring hours of typing and subsequent ranting to do them I won't bother. I'll just stick with one.... Uncle Sam's track record.

Our dear Uncle is many things and efficient isn't one of them. He tends to overreach, underperform and greatly underestimate the amount of money that will be required to do any particular project. Consider the following failures (we'll start with the public/private co-ops, since the Obamacare likes to talk so much about the 'public option'....:

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - this public/private abomination's failures were instrumental (although certainly not solely responsible) for the housing market collapse and subsequent recession from which we are supposed to be joblessly recovering from... Uncle Sam now owns 5 trillion in bad mortgages.... do you know how many cheeseburgers 5 trillion dollars could buy?

AMTRAK - Never made a profit, never will. Keeps chugging along on waste and stupidity. The little engine that could it is endlessly subsidized. Over 30 billion thus far...

USPS - Neither rain, nor snow nor dark of night can prevent Uncle Sam from crippling the Pony Express to the tune of 5 billion (conservatively) over the last 2 years alone.... Thanks Uncle!


and now, the big-boys.....

Medicare -
will be insolvent by 2017. Our population is getting older and Obamacare will slice off a few hundred million from the budget. So glad to say that dear Uncle has been spending that considerable chunk of change out of our paychecks wisely. Any thoughts on how the program will be funded after that? Anyone? Bueller? ( I forgot to mention, millions get scammed annually from the system and the government has done little to nothing to stop it... and that will change why exactly?)

Social Security -
2037. Done. Zip. Nada. Thank God that it will be 25 years after the apocalypse in 2012, so we really won't feel the sting....

Consider that in the aftermath of Katrina. 6.3 billion was spent by the organization. 1/4th of that amount was either scammed and/or wasted (CBO report). Small change comparatively speaking, but you get the idea....

Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Reform -
The Bush administration initially pegged this beauty at 400 billion (10 years). The most recent estimate is 1.2 TRILLION. And here I thought everything was just bigger in Texas....

My small brain is seeing a trend here.....

What rational being can possibly think that this can be done without bankrupting us? The writing is literally on the wall here. Obamacare (current iteration) will decimate the economy. Period. What planet do you live on if you think that this government program will be any different....?

.... So we are left with the ideologue. One who believes that it is the moral imperative of the government to provide these services to the populace, no matter the cost. Ideologues are entitled to their opinions and it is pointless to try to change them. We can just ask that they don't reproduce in great numbers....

So, we are left with 2 possibilities:
A) Ideologue
B) Idiot

At this point, we can ill-afford either.

Apparently, the "I's" have it....

Monday, November 16, 2009

Newt 2, Electric Boogaloo

Like the herpes virus, Newt Gingrich is back - and he's making me itch (not inappropriately, mind you - just that general 'heebee jeebee' all over type of itch).

Contract with America 2 you say? Really?
It seems that Hollywood isn't the only industry that can come up with a crappy sequel.
Not that the message is bad...

1) Jobs.. yup, jobs are good (and when an administration touts the fact that at least we aren't losing them as fast these days as their #1 accomplishment, you just know we're hosed)

2) Energy... yup, energy is a good thing. Multifaceted approach combining petroleum, nuclear, gas and 'clean' renewables can only be a good thing. Becoming energy independent would free us of the hypocrisy of trying to tease out our foreign policy from our energy policy. Of course, giving the country a 'Green Enima' in the process.... not so good. Having Obama the 'candidate' promising that he would bankrupt the coal industry.... terrible.

3) Health Care fix... yup, 3 for 3. A system that would encourage competition, lower prices and bring the responsibility back to the consumer.... we have a winner (as opposed to this steaming pile of poo that is being pushed around on the floor of the senate floor... now that's a visual for you... that is wrong in so many ways that it brings up even more images of steaming poo)

4) Education...meh. Personally, I would rather see government get out of education and have the whole shooting match (literally) turned over to the private sector. Don't we have enough state run indoctrination with PBS?

You may be saying to yourself, 'self, what's his problem? 3 of 4 is pretty good, (or 4 of 4 if you think we should get deeper into the indoctrination business) what's his problem? To which I would respond, 'I have many, many problems, most of them are personal and I would ask you not to bring them up again.' And then I would say 'Newt'. Sometimes, its not the message, its just the messenger.

NY-23 anyone? Sorry Mr. Gingrich, your street cred is whack. How do you back a candidate who essentially spits in the face of EVERY conservative principle and not expect some backlash? Don't give me this 'the party has to make room for different points of view' crap. That is only true when you have at least SOME principles in common. Scozzafava apparently had none. Your glorious plans to rebuild the republican party on a foundation of cards has failed....oops. Triangulated that one wrong buddy.

And nothing gives the appearance of looking forward like looking backwards. Sounds a mite hypocritical - and I just love hypocrisy... (kind of like elective abortion being on the health coverage for GOP employees despite the constant drumbeat of anguished criticism against the practice - kind of hypocrisy).... makes me all tingly inside just thinking about it...

So, ideas = good(ish) ... delivery system = (bad) ... messenger = (laughable)

Gingrich is about the 'power' movement, not the conservative one. His concept of 'Contract 2' is equally as ludicrous as the concept that the current health care legislation is not a veiled attempt at government takeover of 1/6th of our economy....but that is another rant for another day....

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hello Déjà vu, it is Good to See You Again

Lessons learned from 9-11
Apparently, none.
Shall we review (and by we, I mean me)
Uncomfortable, but necessary - much like a prostate exam (have I shared too much)?

In the hearts and flowers world of pre 9-11, Clinton was more interested in fighting terrorism in court than on a battlefield. It was a magical time when the bubble was still building and we were beloved by all the world (or at lest that is the way it is portrayed in the Clinton Library and Massage Parlor...) oh yeah and Bin Laden was offered to us on a silver platter...which we refused on legal grounds ....which strangely didn't work out in our favor....
There were several mitigating factors in this decision:

1) Largely because the battlefield was a nebulous mess, not easily teased out into readily identified target areas is very inconvenient when the enemy does not wear uniforms you know....
2) He was too busy fighting domestic terrorism in the White House after the whole Monica Lewinsky thing
3) In la-la land, one can rationalize with the irrational, evil does not exist and we can all just get along if, darn it anyway, we just try hard enough (because, everyone would really love us if they just got to know us better...)

Then 9-11 happened and along with the Towers that came crashing down, so did our sunshine and lollipops vision of the world. We were resolute. We were united. We recognized that enemies were to be defeated, not placated.
Yeah, that lasted. We are either incredibly stupid or suffer from serious memory issues....

In the revisited land of sunshine and lollipops that is the current administration we have:

1) An end to the war on terror (tho nobody told the terrorists that). I believe that it has been renamed the 'unfortunate altercation with people who don't like us for causes purely of our own making'
2) Soldiers who need to read Miranda rights to the enemy... an idea so asinine, it actually boggles the mind (it is true, my mind has been boggled...)
3) Farewell to GITMO... ah yes, now our enemies are privileged to have access to our court system and rights previously only known to our citizens... SWEET! Because nothing says 'deterrent' like access to US courts
4) Phrases like 'crime against our nation' and 'tragedy' are used by the administration to describe the recent events in Ft Hood. Sadly, phrases like 'shout out' are also used prior to announcing the necessity of said aforementioned phrases.... (insert old man voice here) " I remember way back in 9-11 when we used to call things like that 'terrorism' "
5) A criminal trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his gang of merry murderers in New York City...
6) Did I mention .... A criminal trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his gang of merry murderers in New York City...? Silly me, here I thought the killing of thousands by a foreign enemy would be considered an act of war, not as a crime. Then again, a military tribunal wouldn't potentially damage our intelligence operations nor would it give the terrorists (oops, can I even say that word anymore) a forum to spew their hatred from.... and we can't have that, now can we?

Hello Déjà vu, it is good to see you again. At the risk of repeating myself, repeating myself, are we really this stupid? Did we have a collective Alzheimer's moment, erasing the last 8 years?
I have the audacity of hope that the administration does not get us all killed by wallowing in naiveté and abject stupidity....

I will leave this posting with another prostate exam-like question... If acts like 9-11 are criminal and not an act of war, why are we in Afghanistan? How then, was it ever the 'right' war, the 'just' war, the 'necessary' war?

Methinks the administration forgot to put some lube on the glove....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Only Thing We Need to Fear...

......Is stupid people

(Methinks that this will be an ongoing segment, as humanity's stupidity cannot be adequately serviced nor explained in such a brief span of time and/or space. Today my ranting shall be focused upon the rocky shores of fiscal irresponsibility...)

...Especially elected ones. More so when they control all 3 levers of government (and no, I'm not just talking exclusively about Democrats here - G.W. and the Republicans showed us how fine a job they could do with things earlier this decade....and that turned out really well, didn't it?)

The problem with elected stupidity, is that they get to do stupid things with our money - brother, can you spare a few trillion? Of course, I was furious with G.W. when he ran up billions. I understood some of it... wars (could've been much better managed, but - ok), multiple natural disasters (katrina, et, al. - again, could've been much better managed - waste, fraud, etc.., but again, understandable). It was more of the Medicare drug prescription, TARP (a rant for another time) and loads of other pure crapola that spewed out of that administration that really drove me crazy. Pork was no longer 'the other white meat', it was a governmental dietary mainstay...or so I thought...
Then came Obama.
Holy shit but this man can spend money.
Our money.
Our children's money
Our grandchildren's money.
Our grandchildren's grandchildren's money.
Our grandchildren's grandchildren's robotic overlord's money...
On the bright side, we now own: significant portions of the auto industry and banking industry; majority of home loans and all of student loans (to name a few)...Which is good because the private sector and capitalism are bad, right? Isn't that what Michael Moore said? He makes such good points and he really is workin' that whole fat slob thing isn't he?......but I digress...

How do we expect to be taken seriously as a nation when our currency is the global equivalent of Charmin 3x-ply?

Truly, this stupidity must stop. A few more fiscal gems like 'cap and trade' or 'heathcare reform' (each both worthy of additional solitary rants) will irrevocably bury us. Until then, let's have the Fed drop interest rates to 0, thus encouraging people to spend more money that they don't have...because that has worked so well for us so far...

How I would love to see an amendment requiring a balanced budget..... maybe our grandchildren's grandchildren's robotic overlords will institute one...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

An Abbreviated Tribute

I had planned to compose a meaningful tribute today to our nation's veterans - a blog entry truly worthy of those who serve and have served..

but there were 2 small problems..
1) I just don't write that well
2) I'm freaking exhausted (the wahmbulance will be here soon - and yes, I had a wahmburger and french cries for dinner)

So, in a very un-soldierlike display, I am taking the night off.
A veteran, taking veterans day off.... sheer madness...

I salute you my friends.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of Stupidity

Let me start by saying that Dr. Phil is an unmitigated douchebag - and his finger-wagging friend is quite an entertainer as well. Truly, this a link too good to miss.

and Dr. Phil is a douchebag... just in case I didn't mention it..

Are we really, as a society, this stupid?

So many absolutely asinine statements floating about the airwaves and news outlets today... just for funzies, let's revisit a few.

1) This is Obama's fault. Wrong. People who think this is the case should report immediately for voluntary sterilization so that their genes will not pollute society as a whole. PCJS (politically correct jackass syndrome) was not inflicted upon this country by the president. He just (unfortunately) tends to suffer from the disease himself.

2) 'W'. Wrong again. Recommendations as per above. George, thankfully did not suffer from PC part of PCJS.. although the jackass part... (you are either with us or against us.. I had to go against the principles of free market to save it, etc)... well, at least he wasn't politically correct

3) Since Maj Hasan was apparently acting alone, it was just the actions of a crazy person, not a terrorist. Survey says... Wrong. Timothy McVeigh was not part of some larger plot and no one hesitated to refer to him as a terrorist (for obvious reasons). What then would make this case any different? Is it because explosives were not used or was the body count not quite high enough?

4) This is the Army's fault for sending Hasan to Afghanistan, even tho he really didn't want to go there. Ummmmmm....Wrong. Those drinking this kool aid should be slapped in the face repeatedly with a large, 3 day old tuna. A soldier goes where Uncle Sam tells them to go, period. Get over it. The Army's needs come before personal ones - and after the first Gulf War, if one is stupid enough to think that a deployment to somewhere in the Arab world isn't a distinct possibility, then one should refer to recommendations as posted in #1.

This could go on ad nauseum, but I think the pattern is fairly clear..

The real questions are these:
1) Has the tipping point been reached. Has the abject stupidity of political correctness finally worn out it's welcome? Have the self righteous jackasses who worship at this particular altar, realize what they have done? Do they see that their sacrifice at this altar had a price in blood and that it is on their hands?
2) Will we go back to the status-quo. Will we drown in our own stupidity. After all, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then we shouldn't jump to conclusions...

and in case I forgot to mention it, Dr. Phil is a douchebag

Monday, November 9, 2009

and Knowing is Half the Battle.....

Remember when, at the end of the GI Joe cartoon, they would have the cartoon version of a Public Service Announcement (like what to do if someone is choking or what not) and it would always end with 'and knowing is half the battle'..? You DID watch GI Joe cartoons as a child, right? If not, do push-ups...

Yet I digress...

They knew. They just didn't get off their brass and do anything about it. Had Hasan been a white supremacist, he would have been booted long ago (and rightfully so). The Army isn't supposed to see white, black, brown, yellow or f*ing purple! - they are only supposed to see GREEN! Apparently, not today, not anymore.

For fear of the almighty race card being played, officers sat and did nothing. The behavior was known. I won't re-hash what has been said (tho I will post a link). I do wonder how those sitting on his last promotion board are sleeping these days...,2933,573469,00.html

General Casey stated that he is concerned that 'it would be a greater tragedy if our diversity became a casualty as well'.. I had to listen to the clip twice to make sure i got that right...
a "greater" tragedy? To this I have the following response:
(a) General Casey vastly underestimates the integrity of his troops if he is seriously entertaining the aforementioned notion. Soldiers are brothers and sisters. Race/color/creed/etc are generally non-issues. His inference to the contrary is sickening and pathetic.
(b) This man should never command troops again. period. I am embarrassed to have ever served (however briefly) under his command.

Our troops deserve better than this.

Inclusion is a wonderful thing. Bending over backwards to include those who wish to (and sometimes do) kill us, is not.

Methinks, somewhere, Gen. George Patton is spinning in his grave...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

O 'Bama Where Art Thou?

Celebrations begin in Berlin to commemorate the fall of the Wall - one of the seminal (that's right, I said seminal, Beavis) moments of freedom in our time...and where is our president?

He can go to Denmark and plug the Olympics for Chicago..
He can play a whole lot of golf..
He can date his wife..
He can campaign for governors..
He can make the rounds (over and over) with the talking heads to plug the abomination that is his healthcare plan..

But he can't go to Berlin?

In retrospect, its not terribly surprising.

He didn't meet with the Dalai Lama when he came to Washington..
He didn't so much as repeat his 'Cairo speech' when Iranian citizens were being brutalized and murdered when they protested fixed election results..
He supported Honduran President Manuel Zelaya (along with Castro and Chavez) instead of the Honduran people (who had the audacity to follow the dictates of their own constitution)...

Perhaps it is because, at this particular event, he would be unwise to 'apologize' for the United States when overseas?

Or is celebrating freedom just not his style...?

I promise, tomorrow I will find a new target... I still have a Ft. Hood hangover..

Saturday, November 7, 2009

To be not so P.C., That is the Question

Truly, so much ground to cover....
Healthcare, Deficits, Afghanistan, Global Warming, Megan Fox, Smurfs, Barney Frank (whoops, a bit redundant there, sorry)....
But I can't.

I keep coming back to Ft. Hood.

Beyond the incredible stupidity that was the 5 minute rambling introduction and 'shout out' inflicted upon the populace by the president, we find even deeper layers of systemic poo...

A) The president asks us 'not to jump to conclusions' when it comes to Maj. Hasan.... which is always a good idea - but when someone yells 'God is great' prior to opening fire in a crowded room, I think that it is fair to deduce a thing or two....
Amazing that he hastily and erroneously decided that police had acted 'stupidly' in the arrest of his friend, Henry Gates - proclaiming his ignorance to all the world...but now, the president doesn't want anyone to 'jump to conclusions'... that's just precious Mr. President, really.
B) C.A.I.R. - thank you for immediately condemning Maj. Hasan's actions. It might also be a good idea to speak out EVERY TIME a suicide bomber, gunman, etc. takes a life.
C) Out of curiosity, if a mosque had instead been the target, I wonder how fast the president would've flown over to be seen as offering condolences? Perhaps a 'shout out' prior to addressing the country then?
D) Could it be that all of this PC stupidity has actually resulted in 13 deaths? In another time, would Maj. Hasan's reported previous behavior been tolerated? Would he have remained a commissioned officer let alone been promoted?

- forgive the rambling..frustration does that to me. Soldiers are dead. Our president's initial response was an embarrassment. Political Correctness runs amok and the world spins madly on.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Because Nothing Says Empathy Like.....

Maybe I'm just a touch sensitive, having been stationed at Ft. Hood for 4 years.....
Then again, maybe not. Is it too much to ask that the Commander in Chief not give a 'shout out' prior to addressing the country after 13 soldiers had been murdered by one of their own and another 30 wounded? A 'shout out'...really? I suppose nothing truly says 'presidential' like giving a 'shout out' prior to...well...anything.

And I am sure that it was quite the morale booster to soldiers both in harm's way and at bases home and abroad....

Perhaps the president could give a 'shout out' to General McChrystal... and make a decision about troop levels in Afghanistan..... but that is another rant for another day....

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I The Individual

I the Individual

I the individual
I do not worship at the altar of despair, nor do I offer myself in sacrifice upon it
I reject the supremacy of multiculturalism as a means to denigrate my own traditions
I believe in rights bestowed by my creator, not my government
I deny the need to view my own country through the lens of those who would hold us in disdain while historically clamoring for our help
I reject the belief that our individual salvation is dependent upon our collective salvation
I reject demagoguery in all its forms
I do not accept the premise that we are a society in diametric opposition of itself – and those who would insist upon it
I reject welfare for the able and benefits for votes
I believe in the absolute necessity of strong personal property rights
I accept only the equal application of the law
I believe that I am more capable of spending my money than government
I am citizen, not subjugate
I the individual will not be silent